Another Awesome Three-Pack Opening Weekend | Rising Star Game #25

in #hive-1953702 years ago

Hi to all the Hiveans and RSG players out there!

The pack opening was suspended for a while due to some technical problems on the back-end so I was not able to do my regular #RSG blog post update and newbie for the newbies tips, which are just random stuff that I thought might be helpful to players who have just started playing.


Image by DanielWanke at Pixabay

I have moved up another level, which got me closer to my goal of reaching level 75, where I will be able to do Band Auditions. I find it great to be able to discover new missions as I move up the levels. It's also really nice that I get to reinvest my #risingstargame earnings back into the game via Buy Packs or into the greater HIVE ecosystem by investing it in other projects; there are plenty of awesome opportunities here on the platform so that is a big bonus for players. I know of people who started with playing games here who eventually discovered the other side or the many sides of the platform, and became hooked.

I am now at level 60. Hooray! It felt like a slow and trudging climb from level 59; maybe because of the technical difficulties we experienced this week, or just my crazy offline schedule. Anyhoo, I'm almost always able to go online so I can still visit the game for a quick peak at how my mission is progressing.

Newbie for the newbies tip

Moving on... My newbie tips are really just simple tips for beginners so please skip on over to the next section if you are a veteran player. So, for today's tip, I would like to suggest to newbies to take a look at the Marketplace. What cards do you fancy and what are they selling for today. Checking out the stats that you want to increase versus what's available might get you some great discounted rare or even legendary cards. Good luck hunting for bargains in the marketplace!

Pack Opening

For today's 3-card pack opening, the following cards turned around:

Card #1: R190 Beach BuggyCard #2: 103 EthanCard #3: R243 Tommo
Market price: 30,000 starbitsMarket price: 719 starbitsMarket price: 5,200 starbits
400 Fans, 2 Luck, 3 IM10 Fans, 5 Skill50 Fans, 150 Skill, 4 Luck, 2 IM.

I think this is the first time that I opened up two Rare cards. Of course, the R190 Beach Buggy is the more valuable between the two due to the lower circulation. With only an 8,000 max supply, the game had already issued 4,697 - and I have two of them. 😉

The total market price for the cards: 35,919 Starbits.

The pack opening turned out great. I got two Rare cards, which were 3.5 times more in the marketplace than what I paid for them. Happy to get the cards and looking for more during the next pack openings.

In Conclusion

Like any other game, it has to be fun for me, personally, to even start playing. I like playing this game and might be for a long time to come. As long as the game-play stays cool and just have that chill vibe and it doesn't require me to spend exorbitant amounts to keep on playing or to keep progressing in the higher levels, then I'm all good with it.

And, that's it for today's pack opening and game update. Thanks for dropping by and taking time to reading my blog post. Enjoy your weekend, keep safe, and have some fun.

Thanks everyone! Love and peace.

HIVE Badge.jpg


*shoutout to @bearone for the @hiveph badge.


Dear @juanvegetarian,
May I ask you to review and support the Dev Marketing Proposal ( we presented on Conference Day 1 at HiveFest?
The campaign aims to onboard new application developers to grow our ecosystem. If you missed the presentation, you can watch it on YouTube.
You cast your vote for the proposal on Peakd, Ecency, or using HiveSigner.

Thank you!

Hello @arcange. Okay, I will check it out. Thanks for the info. !PIZZA

Thank you, looking forward to getting your support for the proposal ⏳🙂

Done. Good luck on the Dev Marketing Proposal. 😊

Thank you for your support @juanvegetarian, really appreciate it! 👍

It's a great proposal. Anytime. 😁


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