I'm passionate about cycling. I ride almost every day, all year round, even in winter. When I went on a trip to Greece, I missed this activity and decided to rent a bike and ride around the area. I noticed a bike rental shop near my hotel. I talked to its employees, looked through the offer and was surprised when I came there the next day and it turned out that there was no one in the rental office. I thought maybe they were on their lunch break, so I went to the beach, swam in the sea for a bit, and returned to the rental place after about an hour. Unfortunately, it was still closed, so I had to look for another one.
Jestem pasjonatkΔ jazdy na rowerze. JeΕΌdΕΌΔ prawie codziennie, przez caΕy rok, nawet zimΔ . Gdy wyjechaΕam na wycieczkΔ do Grecji brakowaΕo mi tej aktywnoΕci i postanowiΕam wypoΕΌyczyΔ rower i pojeΕΊdziΔ po okolicy. Niedaleko mojego hotelu zauwaΕΌyΕam wypoΕΌyczalniΔ rowerΓ³w. PogadaΕam z jej pracownikami, przejrzaΕam ofertΔ i jakieΕΌ byΕo moje zdziwienie, gdy przyszΕam tam nastΔpnego dnia i okazaΕo siΔ, ΕΌe w wypoΕΌyczalni nikogo nie byΕo. PomyΕlaΕam, ΕΌe moΕΌe wybrali siΔ na przerwΔ obiadowΔ , poszΕam wiΔc na plaΕΌΔ, trochΔ popΕywaΕam w morzu i mniej wiΔcej po godzinie wrΓ³ciΕam do wypoΕΌyczalni. Niestety nadal byΕa zamkniΔta, musiaΕam wiΔc poszukaΔ innej.
Fortunately, I quickly found another rental place, this time it was open. When I went inside, I saw wallpaper covering the entire wall with a view of a Greek tenement house. It looked quite peculiar, but also cool. This rental company had only two bikes to choose from (the previous one had a dozen or so, including electric ones). I quickly chose a pink bike, put my things in the basket and moved forward, towards the larger town of Rethymno.
Na szczΔΕcie szybko znalazΕam innΔ wypoΕΌyczalnie, tym razem byΕo otwarte. Gdy weszΕam do Εrodka zobaczyΕam tapetΔ na caΕΔ ΕcianΔ z widokiem jakiejΕ greckiej kamienicy. WyglΔ daΕo to doΕΔ osobliwie, ale teΕΌ fajnie. W tej wypoΕΌyczalni byΕy tylko dwa rowery do wyboru (w poprzedniej kilkanaΕcie, w tym elektryczne). Szybko wybraΕam rΓ³ΕΌowy rower, wΕoΕΌyΕam moje rzeczy do koszyka i ruszyΕam przed siebie, w stronΔ wiΔkszego miasteczka Rethymno.
It was very hot, about 30 degrees, and I noticed that drivers in Greece don't pay much attention to passersby. When I wanted to cross the street at a pedestrian crossing, they usually didn't slow down and let me pass. So I had to be careful on the road. As I was driving, my attention was drawn to local pubs and nature. For example, a plant like the one in the next photo below. A huge cactus that looks like a sculpture.
ByΕo bardzo gorΔ co, okoΕo 30 stopni, zauwaΕΌyΕam, ΕΌe kierowcy w Grecji niezbyt uwaΕΌajΔ na przechodniΓ³w. Gdy chciaΕam przejΕΔ w przez ulicΔ na przejΕciu dla pieszych przewaΕΌnie nie zwalniali i mnie nie przepuszczali. MusiaΕam wiΔc byΔ ostroΕΌna na drodze. Gdy jechaΕam mojΔ uwagΔ przyciΔ gaΕy lokalne knajpki i przyroda. Na przykΕad taka roΕlina jak na kolejnym zdjΔciu poniΕΌej. Ogromny kaktus wyglΔ dajΔ cy jak rzeΕΊba.
I also passed a lot of chapels and the local Orthodox church. When I'm in my home country I usually follow a familiar route, but here there was so much to discover. Every now and then there's something new, different in appearance from what I'm used to. An ordinary bike ride turned out to be an adventure. I was delighted with what I saw.
MijaΕam teΕΌ sporo kapliczek i lokalny koΕciΓ³Ε prawosΕawny. Gdy jestem w Polsce zazwyczaj jeΕΌdΕΌΔ znajomΔ mi trasΔ , a tu byΕo tyle do odkrycia. Co chwila coΕ nowego, innego z wyglΔ du do tego, do czego przywykΕam. ZwykΕa przejaΕΌdΕΌka rowerowa okazaΕa siΔ przygodΔ .
I'm riding a bike and suddenly there's a huge date palm. I envy people living in warmer climates that have such trees by the roadside π
JadΔ, a tu nagle ogromna palma daktylowa. ZazdroszczΔ ludziom mieszkajΔ cym w cieplejszych klimatycznie miejscach, ΕΌe majΔ takie przydroΕΌne drzewa π
At one point I decided to take my bike to the beach, leave it on the sand and swim for a while. The water was lukewarm, but swimming in it and swinging on the waves in the sea was something amazing. I appreciated that I had this opportunity at all. Refreshing yourself in sea water during a ride in the heat, something wonderful! π
W pewnym momencie postanowiΕam pojechaΔ z rowerem na plaΕΌΔ, zostawiΔ go na piasku i popΕywaΔ chwilΔ. Woda byΕa letnia, ale i tak pΕywanie w niej, bujanie siΔ na falach w morzu to byΕo coΕ niesamowitego. DoceniΕam, ΕΌe w ogΓ³le miaΕam takΔ moΕΌliwoΕΔ. OrzeΕΊwienia siΔ w morskiej wodzie w trakcie przejaΕΌdΕΌki w upale, coΕ cudownego! π
The best part of the trip was riding the bike path by the sea in Rethymno. I happened to see the sunset, in interesting colors: purple, orange and pink. It was cool to see him in the distance as we drove through town.
NajlepszΔ czΔΕciΔ wycieczki byΕa jazda drogΔ rowerowΔ przy morzu, w Rethymno. TrafiΕam akurat na zachΓ³d sΕoΕca, w ciekawych barwach, fioletowo,pomaraΕczowo-roΕΌowej. Fajnie byΕo patrzeΔ na niego w oddali, jadΔ c przez miasto.
At one point I saw palm trees decorated with lights and illuminated in blue and purple. I sent this photo to a few friends and asked them where they thought I was. Everyone replied - Las Vegas? ππ€£
W pewnym momencie zobaczyΕam palmy ozdobione ΕwiateΕkami i podΕwietlanr na niebiesko i fioletowo. WysΕaΕam to zdjΔcie kilku znajomym i zapytaΕam, jak sΔ dzΔ , gdzie jestem. Wszyscy odpowiedzieli - Las Vegas? ππ€£
I had a great time riding the bike and also exploring the city. I looked at the buildings I passed and tried to find a good restaurant to eat there.
Εwietnie mi siΔ jechaΕo na rowerze, a jednoczeΕnie zwiedziaΕo miasto. PrzyglΔ daΕam siΔ budynkom, ktΓ³re mijaΕam i prΓ³bowaΕam wyhaczyΔ jakΔ Ε dobrΔ restauracjΔ, ΕΌeby zjeΕΔ w niej dobry posiΕek.
While driving, I suddenly saw a large Rethymno sign made of... plastic waste bins π²π΅π³ cool idea π
I jadΔ c nagle zobaczyΕam wielki napis Rethymno zrobiony z... koszy na plastikowe odpady π²π΅π³ niezΕy pomysΕ π
Later I reached the port and saw a huge pirate ship called Captain Hook. You could sail somewhere on it and feel like you were in a fairy tale for a moment.
PΓ³ΕΊniej dojechaΕam do portu i zobaczyΕam taki ogromny statek piracki o nazwie Kapitak Hak. MoΕΌna byΕo na nim gdzieΕ popΕynΔ Δ i poczuΔ siΔ przez chwilΔ jak z bajce.
At the end of the ride I reached the famous Rethymno lighthouse
and the Venetian port. This is where I end my stories. When the bicycle path ended, I got off the bike and explored the old town on foot.
Pod koniec przejaΕΌdΕΌki dotarΕam do sΕynnej latarni morskiej w Retymno i
do weneckiego portu. Na tym koΕczΔ moje opowieΕci. Gdy skoΕczyΕa siΔ droga rowerowa zeszΕam z roweru i zwiedzaΕam stare miasto na pieszo.