in #hive-17687410 months ago

An alarm is a systematic reminder of our daily schedule and the timing of events. Despite the ringing and buzzing sound of the alarm bell, the pressure mounted on the body by sleep, tiredness, And stress won't allow you to get out of the comfort of your bed or better still perform your work duties effectively, Even if you are reminded over and over by the alarm bell. If only an alarm was a person It would have been tired of us humans and would have given up on use. Because no matter how hard it tries to remind us to wake up and start with our daily activities the more we ignore its call or warnings, sometimes when it tries to remind us that it is time to go do some specific task at work It seems as if we don't care and we will still end up forgetting or running late.

Image by onlyyouqj on Freepik

So I strongly believe if it has a mouth to take it will really speak ill of most people, it might even generalize its speech to everyone because many people are victims of not obeying our alarm. That brings me to the question, why do we set an alarm when we know fully well that we won't keep to it. This is a general behavior among 98% of people so I will say the alarm will really speak ill of us humans for giving it a task we won't be needing. It may say words like (humans are annoying),(humans are not trustworthy), (humans are the worst species), or (humans are lazy ). I believe these are a few out of the many words it will say if it is given the ability or chance to express itself. But still the question I asked earlier, have still not gotten answers to it because I can't seem to figure it out myself. Despite all this, the alarm is faithful and loyal to its master, if only it can talk.

Image by mrsiraphol on Freepik

The alarm has helped save people over the years from being sacked, fired and even being late to work, school, church, mosque, and other places of importance. If Alarm was a person it would have been given the award of being one of the most patient, faithful, and reliable servants to man. These are things that a human being can't do for you. Imagine putting someone as your alarm or telling someone to wake you up at a given time trust me the person will surely fail or will I say 90% of persons will fail to wake you at the stipulated time given to them it either they wake you early or they wake you up some minutes past and some will even sleep off or forget that you ask them to wake you up, and this is one of the reasons at which I tag alarm as a loyal and faithful servant to man.

Though the alarm is a piece of machine whose purpose is to remind us but it also does its best working every day, what if the alarm also goes to sleep or gets tired like we do... I will only say if the alarm was allowed to speak it will definitely speak if we are human. Well, it is a good thing it doesn't have a mouth to talk.


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