in #hive-1503298 months ago


One of the most beautiful expressions of love is seen in the role of parents. Here, today, we will explore the grace, and truth held within Fatherhood

Hello, and welcome I am light your guide for today. Allow me to open you to the world of fatherhood a realm so precious, almost unattainable yet many brave men have sacrificed their all, their lives to achieve certain levels of success even some worthy of remembrance for generations.

By nature, it is thought that the male parent of a child is the Father. Across various societies and cultures, it is sometimes taken as an honored title, or an accomplishment, whether due to the number or the talent and achievement of his children.
P.S: the honor of this title hinges on the children

But many children young or already grown-up(adults) will agree that they recognized that man as their father because of the impact he made in their lives.

And that is a clue int the essence of fatherhood.
A father is a person who holds certain possibilities for his seeds. He is a template from which his 'kind' is made after
He is like a very solid building, durable and stable for a long time. He is not just an individual, his is a generation - a nation.

The roles don't make the person. It is he who performs the actions, that makes those actions important and valuable.
A father is not just a procreator or someone who fulfils the roles and responsibilities of fatherhood.
A father is one who is a father - one who fulfils at least the above three thought.

Actions speaks louder than words, but actions having only the form, lacking in grace and truth is empty. It is as good as dead, air, nothing.

Fatherhood is not something you "fake it till you make it" no, it is one rare quality of God, which he also bestowed upon man, giving man the possibility to act and live like God.

This gift like all the gifts we have and receive are in forms known as POTENTIAL - a latent and dormant potent energy. This gift of Fatherhood which is available to all man has to be accessed, cultured, adapted, and utilized by each individual so long as he desires to become a father.

A lot of progress has been made and recorded over the years of what it means to be a father, but it seems like we are just scratching the surface or at least majority of the people are still stuck at the form and have not known the truths or grasped the grace of Fatherhood.

Most of the recorded history and relevant documents concerning fatherhood speak about the form, and little is shown of the grace and truth of this great gift. It is understandable why it will be difficult to communicate the grace and truths of this gift, it is already remarkable that we could condense these ideas and communicate our understanding of its form. (For these three the Form, Grace, and Truth are abstract and ethereal.)

The Form, has been condensed into the roles and responsibility of a father, and the society has painstakingly woven a neat fabric for inculcating these ideas into its members. But, nowadays, this fabric is been torn apart by forces from within and without stunting and halting our progress of becoming 'True Fathers', that is, grasping the form, the grace, and the truth of Fatherhood.

I have certain insights into the grace and truths of Fatherhood of which I will share but a few.

One of the first truths of Fatherhood I realized was that a father is a person Not an idea, or a tool, but a person. He is first an individual then he becomes a father.

Secondly, a father is nurtured. No man is born a father, but all mean is born with the potential to be one.

Following that, the degree to which this 'universal' potential within each man is explored and aligned to that individual, will determine how successful he is as a father.

Finally, a successful father does not depend on the future accomplishment of his seeds, his valuation by the society, or his praise received from his family, rather his success hinges on these three characters.

1.  How much of the form, grace and truth of Fatherhood did he comprehend. That is how far did he go in exhausting and maturing his potential.
2. How much of his Fatherhood did he refine and adapt into himself and how much growth or increase and result did he achieve from doing that.
3. How much of himself and his potential was he able to reproduce or extend outside of himself int the world(society).

There is more to this, so if you have questions or insights on this drop them in the comment section and I will do well to respond to them!

Concerning the Grace component of Fatherhood. It has more to do with the heart.
The FORM of Fatherhood has to do with actions, the physical expressions of Love (of a father, fatherhood).

The TRUTH of Fatherhood deals with the will, mind, and feelings of a father. They are the administrators, the lens, the state (energy form) which guides how the physical expressions are done/made.

The GRACE of Fatherhood holds the essence, the divine and supernatural state and attributes of a father. It is this which leads and shapes the man into his unique expression of fatherhood.

This Grace component has more to do with the heart.
Note: I like to call it 'the heart of a father.'
The heart is where the source, origin of this gift (of fatherhood) is located and that is where the grace of fatherhood can be grasp and comprehended.

To understand or at least have a feel of this grace of fatherhood. Think of very influential people in the world, both past and present. Now, of: i) those that their impact has extended far outside them. ii) those that are still relevant and influential even after a long time. iii) and there are people (maybe you also) in your current time that has shadows of their image or presence in their lives. People you will go and say "ah! Do you know so-so person, you look(behave) like him?"

I hope I was able to ignite your passion and open our minds and heart concerning the depth of Fatherhood, the form, which is mostly known, the grace and truth which we tried to explore.

Hopefully, in subsequent posts we will get to explore these ideas further.
Thank you for riding with me on this journey. See you soon on our next ride, bye!


Fatherhood is such am important yet overlooked role. The father figure plays a very essential role in the life of a child especially during the formative years and this important role does not dwindle but keeps gaining prominence.
Those privileged to have a good father should count themselves blessed and those lucky to have their father with them well into adulthood should be grateful for such a gift.
You write excellently well brother, keep it up.

A good one

Thank you!