Keep shut and back down? Not a chance!

in #hive-1768745 months ago


I just came across the list of prompts in this post by one of the thriving communities on the Blockchain. The first prompt in their list resonates with me and I will share a few things about that in this post.

It's about something I'm currently working on and the difficulty that come with it.

For the vast majority of this week, I've spent a lot of time talking with people, doing a whole lot of research, trying to get some insights, and also drawing near-perfect plans about what I need to do to grow a very huge influence in the world. Yeah, I'm working on a personal project which I believe would make me a very influential person.

Take a moment to laugh if you find it funny. However, as funny as it may sound, I'm dead serious about it and I'm genuinely ready to commit to making this my reality. As I walk through this process, I will also use the platform I will set up to spin the world around in things related to Politics, Business, Family, Religion, History, Society, etc.

I believe that a lot of the things going on in the world and the messages that are getting pushed to the forefront are cooked up to make people go against their values and adopt selfishness which only makes them look at themselves without looking at the world around them. Many people are now blinded by the lies that we are meant to believe. These same lies lead to broken homes, the disregard for what is right or wrong, etc.

As it stands, my research has made it obvious that if I pursue what I'm trying to work on, it can come with a lot of backlash. And, if I spit facts long enough, the censorship card would end up getting played on me and those around me may get in danger.

Why? Because people are not interested in the truth and many people who would be hurt by the truth would choose to attack what I would be doing. Well, that's not the worst that can happen and I'm a bit scared of my actions spilling over to those that are dear to me.

However, I don't think keeping shut and backing down would count as a good idea. So, I'm doing all the research I can afford to do and I'm also preparing for what the future holds. I would most likely start everything alone but I will expand things when I have the resources to do so. I would also be building a team of impregnable, intelligent, and trustworthy folks who will be part of this journey when the time comes.

When is the time coming?

That's a big deal because I genuinely don't have an exact date. I would like to start everything this moment and I'm already working on so much stuff behind the scenes. However, the things that would be meant for public view will have to wait until all Ts are crossed.

N.B: The message in this probably won't make sense to some people. That's understandable because I didn't want to spell everything out. However, if you are into videography (Panel Podcast Format) and you are anywhere in Ibadan, we may have a thing or two to discuss.

Thanks For Not Missing Any Full-stop or Comma.
Thumbnail Image is taken from Unsplash


I wish you the best on your project.


Thanks so much

You're welcome.

However, I don't think keeping shut and backing down would count as a good idea.

Keeping what the world needs to hear to yourself isn't a good idea for sure.


Exactly. These are things that need to be said. And, it will be said in due time.

Truth and transparency. I love the sound of that. Wishing you all the very best, Kene. I shall pray that the Lord allows you to bring this safely and effectively to fruition. I look forward to seeing what you bring to the table. I'm sure it is going to help a lot of people.

I dropped in from Dreemport this evening to read your post.


Thanks so much, Sam. It's something I'm already getting set for and I look forward to how things will unfold.



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Wes & Grindan

Hmmmm till all ts are crossed and all Is are dotted, I’ll be here waiting for what exactly is making very conscious to even care about the fact that people hate to hear the truth.
Whatever it is , I can’t wait to see the outcome.

Yeah. I will see how long it will take to start shinning clearer light on the whole thing. I've also got to get myself well-grounded in preparation for what's ahead.


Our generation doesn’t like to hear the truth. People most at times get threatened just because they’re speaking facts.

Whatever it is you’re working on, I urge you to go for it. The right people will find you once you start. I’m rooting for you .

Thanks so much. It's inspiring to hear your remark and feedback about this. I will continuously do my best to make this a success.

You’re most welcome

I wish you the best with your new project, it sounds like it will do a lot of good :)


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Thanks so much. It will take a lot of work and I know I will give it my best.

If I get the chance to be part of this project that will cause commotion and bruhaha, I wouldn't mind because the truth has to be told by someone.


That's very true oooo. The truth has to be said even if it means getting people offended by that truth.