Introduction to PolyCUB Platform Mechanics | DeFi 2.0, xPOLYCUB, Bonding & $1M+ Airdrop to CUB

in #hive-1679222 years ago

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In this clip from Friday's AMA, we gave an introduction to PolyCUB. This covers much of the topics that we discussed in the @leofinance update released earlier this week.

We've been designing and building POLYCUB since July 2021. Through so many months of development, we went through constant iterations and reiterations of what we watned to build.

With PolyCUB, we wanted to build something unique. Something that is feature-rich right at launch. PolyCUB compliments CUB and LEO in all of the ways that we wanted it to when we set out on this journey.

POLYCUB is deflationary. The max supply is 26,000,000 tokens and there is an emissions rate halvening event every single month until this number is reached.

Throughout the life of PolyCUB, a PCV (Protocol Controlled Value) is build into the platform. This mechanism builds itself through a 10% management fee on all Polycub Kingdom harvests + other mechanisms like LP Bonding.

As more features are released, they'll be aimed at continually expanding this PCV treasury.

As the PCV grows, the RFV (Risk-Free Value) of POLYCUB grows as well. Essentially, this creates almost a "soft-peg" or "deterministic value" for the price of POLYCUB.

I.e. POLYCUB can theoretically be redeemed for PCV. If there is $1m in PCV, then we know that POLYCUB's RFV is the current supply / $1,000,000 USD.

Since the PCV itself is pooled as TVL in the Kingdoms, the TVL of PolyCUB grows endlessly and so does the Risk-Free Value of POLYCUB.

A continually expanding PCV on PolyCUB will be one of the primary metrics for valuing the utility of POLYCUB In the long-run. Many platforms like Olympus (OHM) have pioneered these concepts.

All of these concepts are being considered "DeFi 2.0" in the current landscape of this industry.. and all of these concepts are built directly into PolyCUB.

Additionally, PolyCUB has several other bullish mechanics which are discussed in the intro post on @leofinance and in the above clip from the AMA. Features like xPOLYCUB staking - where 50% of early harvest penalties are paid to xPOLYCUB stakeholders.

1,000,000 POLYCUB will be airdropped to all CUB stakeholders in the:

  1. CUB Kingdom (100%)
  2. CUB-BUSD LP (50% - since the other 50% as BUSD doesn't count toward the airdrop)
  3. CUB-BNB LP (50%)

pLEO is also commonly forgotten - as we dicsussed in the AMA clip. CUB created a massively bullish event for LEO (driving the price up to $1 when it launched) because it created an entirely new use case for LEO: LP'ing on the Binance Smart Chain and earning 200% - 2,000% APY for doing so.

Now, pLEO will have the same opportunity as an LP is created on the Polygon network via PolyCUB.

Incredible times ahead!

As we continue to get closer to the launch date, we will keep pushing out in-depth updates so that everyone can prepare for POLYCUB. It's a complex platform with incredibly bullish mechanics. Many will be directly tied over to CUB.

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