Hive Open Mic #115: Let It Go/Déjalo Ir By Idina Menzel ENG-ESP]

in #hive-1057862 years ago

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Doing the work means a lot of difference things, and to me, it means being intentional about your journey towards self love, growth, healing and even self acceptance.

For this week, I chose to focus on self acceptance because it has been an area I struggle a lot in and I am still struggling with.

Self acceptance is pretty much accepting yourself the way you are and it can be so hard because, most times as humans we try to be who we aren’t.

We let people shut us down, we hide our gifts and talents just to fit in but, working on accepting who you are means taking yourself as you are.

For this week’s theme “doing the work” I chose to sing let it go by Idina Menzel because this song speaks so well about self acceptance.


Hearing the song you will realize that it speaks about someone who tries to hid who they are but after going through a process and doing the work, she finally accepts who she is and she finally shines.

Right now, I am working on accepting myself and I hope I can very soon.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy this song, it was hard for me but I do hope you like my rendition, thank you.


The snow glows white on the mountain tonight
Not a footprint to be seen
A kingdom of isolation
And it looks like I'm the queen
The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside
Couldn't keep it in, heaven knows I've tried

Don't let them in, don't let them see
Be the good girl you always have to be
Conceal, don't feel, don't let them know
Well, now they know
Let it go, let it go
Can't hold it back anymore
Let it go, let it go
Turn away and slam the door
I don't care what they're going to say
Let the storm rage on
The cold never bothered me anyway

It's funny how some distance makes everything seem small
And the fears that once controlled me can't get to me at all
It's time to see what I can do
To test the limits and break through
No right, no wrong, no rules for me
I'm free
Let it go, let it go
I am one with the wind and sky
Let it go, let it go
You'll never see me cry
Here I stand and here I stay
Let the storm rage on

My power flurries through the air into the ground
My soul is spiraling in frozen fractals all around
And one thought crystallizes like an icy blast
I'm never going back, the past is in the past

Let it go, let it go
When I'll rise like the break of dawn
Let it go, let it go
That perfect girl is gone
Here I stand in the light of day
Let the storm rage on
The cold never bothered me anyway

Source: LyricFind
Songwriters: Kristen Anderson-Lopez / Robert Lopez
Let It Go lyrics © Universal Music Publishing Group


Hacer el trabajo significa un montón de cosas diferentes, y para mí, significa ser intencional acerca de su viaje hacia el amor propio, el crecimiento, la curación e incluso la auto-aceptación.

Para esta semana, elegí centrarme en la autoaceptación porque ha sido un área en la que he luchado mucho y con la que todavía estoy luchando.

La auto-aceptación es más o menos aceptarte a ti mismo tal y como eres y puede ser muy difícil porque, la mayoría de las veces, como humanos tratamos de ser quienes no somos.

Dejamos que la gente nos rechace, escondemos nuestros dones y talentos sólo para encajar, pero trabajar en la aceptación de lo que eres significa aceptarte tal y como eres.

Para el tema de esta semana "hacer el trabajo" he elegido cantar Let it go de Idina Menzel porque esta canción habla muy bien de la aceptación de uno mismo.

Al escuchar la canción te darás cuenta de que habla de alguien que intenta ocultar lo que es, pero después de pasar por un proceso y hacer el trabajo, finalmente acepta lo que es y finalmente brilla.

Ahora mismo, estoy trabajando en aceptarme a mí misma y espero poder hacerlo muy pronto.

De todos modos, espero que disfruten de esta canción, fue difícil para mí pero espero que les guste mi interpretación, gracias.


La nieve brilla blanca en la montaña esta noche
No se ve ni una huella
Un reino de aislamiento
Y parece que soy la reina
El viento aúlla como esta tormenta arremolinada en el interior
No puedo mantenerlo dentro, el cielo sabe que lo he intentado

No los dejes entrar, no los dejes ver
Sé la buena chica que siempre tienes que ser
Disimula, no sientas, no dejes que lo sepan
Bueno, ahora lo saben
Déjalo ir, déjalo ir
No puedo contenerlo más
Déjalo ir, déjalo ir
Me doy la vuelta y doy un portazo
No me importa lo que vayan a decir
Deja que la tormenta continúe
El frío nunca me molestó de todos modos

Es curioso como la distancia hace que todo parezca pequeño
Y los miedos que una vez me controlaron no pueden llegar a mí en absoluto
Es hora de ver lo que puedo hacer
Para probar los límites y romper con ellos
No hay derecho, no hay mal, no hay reglas para mí
Soy libre
Déjalo ir, déjalo ir
Soy uno con el viento y el cielo
Déjalo ir, déjalo ir
Nunca me verás llorar
Aquí estoy y aquí me quedo
Deja que la tormenta continúe

Mi poder fluye a través del aire hacia el suelo
Mi alma se mueve en espiral en fractales congelados alrededor
Y un pensamiento se cristaliza como una ráfaga de hielo
Nunca voy a volver, el pasado está en el pasado

Déjalo ir, déjalo ir
Cuando me levante como el amanecer
Déjalo ir, déjalo ir
Esa chica perfecta se ha ido
Aquí estoy en la luz del día
Deja que la tormenta siga
El frío nunca me molestó de todos modos

Fuente: LyricFind
Compositores: Kristen Anderson-Lopez / Robert Lopez
Let It Go lyrics © Universal Music Publishing Group


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Thank you so much

What a lovely sister, I loved this cover, this is the Frozen song right? Very beautiful.
It's true what you say, to do the work is also to accept oneself, which is not an easy task, but we must do it. Best regards! 🤗✨🎶🎵🎼💥💯🤩🙏🙌🎆🎉🎊🍻⭐👏👏😎

Yeah, it is a frozen song, I'll say the best out of it and yes, we have no choice but to accept ourselves, thank you so much

Grown to love your singing @khaleesii..
Now one of your biggest fans here.

Every time you sing, you sing with so much grace, passion and ease.

You are amazing and this was a beautiful performance.

Well done @khaleesii

Thank you so much baby girl, it means a lot to me, I am glad you enjoyed it.

You are always welcome dear Khaleesii

I agree with you when you say that personal love is indispensable to our growth.
You brought us an excellent song this week with a positive and motivating message. Congrats!

Thank you so much, indeed we need personal love amongst other things.

The awkward silence before the music begins 🥹🥺

My overall favorite part

😆 it isn't exactly awkward, it's more in thought but wait, you like me quiet, is that so

No not quite jor.

I like the goofy lively Ophelia.

That part just felt interesting ,😅
You were serious looking

I am very serious-minded yo, leave me alone

Damn... It is your energy for me oh! I doubt if I can sing half of this with my very deep baritone voice.

I would love to hear you sing, maybe ill bug you soon about it

Wow, this was a hard song to sing but you did so well, keep it up.

Thank you so much 😊

You are welcome.

This is a beautiful song and you rendered it so perfectly. Girl! You can sing. I only participated in this hive open mic once..perhaps I'll give it a try this week. Although I don't have a good voice but doing this for fun won't be so bad.

Btw: this song is one of my sis favourites

Thank you so much, you should totally participate at least for the fun of it

You always set the bar too high Khaleesiiiiiiiiii and interesting choice of song. Your voice always do the trick. Well done dear

Thank you so much, it means a lot to me

Anytime, my dear.

Lovely song from Frozen...... I remember another song "Do you wanna build a snowman"

Yeah, I have also sung that one 😆 a few weeks back though

Chai, lolz.
I don't want to hear "I was a girl in a castle....." soon o

😆 I don't know that song but maybe ill learn it just so.

It's "Sofia the first"

Oh nahhhh

You've gat a nice piece, I enjoyed everything..
Good work

Thank you so much.

Muestras cantabas yo hacía dúo contigo pero en español jajajajja me encanta esta canción sería bueno hacer un cover juntas 😇.

Puedo imaginar lo increíble que sonabas en español, y un dúo sería genial.

Amazing as always 🙂

Thank you 😊

This time you have brought a very complex song to sing but the truth is that it has not weighed you down at all, you did excellent, this is in our opinion the best soundtrack of all Disney movies, what a pleasure to see you sing this song. Congratulations, you are super talented. We send you a big hug!

WhatsApp Image 2022-06-08 at 10.21.54 PM (1).jpeg

Thank you so much, I almost didn't but I am glad I went through with it, and indeed this song is amazing.

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It's always amazing how your facial expression and gestures reflects the mood of the song you are singing. It makes it easy for one to connect to your song.
Good song choice too!
Nice work @khaleesii !

Thank you so much, I try my best to keep people hooked.

Hmm, well Kudos, cos it's working😅

Thank you