Building The Spirit Dropship - Part 3

in #hive-17363016 days ago

It has been about a month since the last time I went back to the Spirit Dropship, and yesterday, when I found some time, I decided to get some more of it finished.

After building the Banished Banshee, and a few other bits and pieces, this one got on my my mind. It's fairly immense, so is kind of intimidating to tackle, but I pressed forward anyway.

This was where I left it off, and there was just a few pieces need which I couldn't find at the time.

With a bit of work, the walls were built, and side pieces/ decorations were put in place.

With that piece finished, it was time to connect it to the large section.

I was mistaken last time I done this, because I thought the smaller piece I was working on was the middle piece of the ship, only to discover that no, it was in fact, the back of this piece.

It's going to be a monster of a ship when all is said and done.

I built the walls of the ship, and added in another armor stand, which is fairly cool.

It's pretty heavy, and I can't even imagine what it'll be like with the rest of it built.

With that side finished to that point, the instructions said it was time to build the mirror of it.

Gathering all of the pieces for this was kind of easy, and I got it started without much of an issue.

I never finished the stand the last time, so started working on that.

The reason I stopped at the time, was because I couldn't find one of the pieces I was looking for, but, while going through my bags of covenant bricks, I found a few pieces I was looking for, so decided to jump back to it.

This is a picture of all of the three main plates constructed.

All I had to do was connect, and decorate the pieces.

I couldn't find a white 4x6 piece, so substituted it with a green plate of he same size. It's a quick fix for now while I continue to work on this stuff.

Back to the ship.

After a bit more work, I had it together nicely. It's cool having the other piece behind, as a kind of reference too.

Even more building, and I had the walls constructed, which game and even better example of the entire thing.

As you can see by the stand back there, it's going to be fairly wide.

I kind of mocked up the size this thing is going to be at the end, and yeah, it's big.

This takes up nearly the width of the table, and it's not even finished yet.


Nice set!!