Huge Halo/ Star Wars Bundle - Part 3

in #hive-1736303 months ago

Yesterday, after purchasing a major collection of Halo stuff, I left my town and went to Aimee's.

Before doing so, I had photographed the collection and then got to looking up the vehicles. Sure enough, I noticed then that some were missing pieces, some figures came in packs too, alongside terrain sheets, and random props, like weapon containers, and cover.

Here's a new addition to the collection.

I asked my dad to go to the shop for me, the next day at lunchtime, and he enquired about the stuff. While there, he noticed a ship and a few figures that hadn't been displayed the day before.

The ship is fairly cool and came with a pilot inside.

I was at work today, and because of that, would be back home, so they said to tell me to drop in on my lunch break, as there could be some stuff I'm interested in.

Here are some of the covenant figures I got yesterday.

I went in at lunchtime and the manager wasn't there, so I spoke with one of the workers and explained about some of the missing pieces, and asked if there was anything left of that collection.

He pointed me to some bags, which weighed 1kg each; it was all the loose stuff, in the shop, that's how loose Lego is dealt with.

I had a look through it, saw a few bits and pieces and realised that there was a lot more to that collection than the complete vehicles and figures I picked up.

Here are some of the UNSC figures.

I decided I would buy it all, especially since there were clearly vehicles in there, such as Banshee's, and some wheels, indicating that there were some smaller UNSC vehicles, potentially Mongooses, or Mongeese?

Speaking with the man, I asked if anyone had bought any of those bags, and he said no. Delighted, I picked up the whole box, 7 bags, and paid €35 total, for it.

This Spartan is missing their legs, but I'm sure I'll be able to find them within the bags.

Having a rough look, without opening them, I have found some figures, weapons, and many pieces of terrain/ props.

These are the bags, and I have my work cut out for me.

After the purchase, I asked if I could return after work to pick them up, and he was cool with it.

When I came back at 5PM, the manager took out small box, containing more figures, and said she was throwing them in too, if I wanted them.

She said she really appreciated the money I had spent, and I said it was going to a good cause, so have no problem paying that. I've gotten a major collection of really cool stuff and at a way cheaper price than I could get anywhere else.

The figures that my dad picked up yesterday and the ones from today are pictured above ^

Here's what I mean, this is the cockpit of a Banshee.

Once I saw that, I knew I had to buy the lot. I was lucky that no one else had picked up a bag here and there, otherwise the chances of completing the vehicles I currently own, would have been slim.

Here's another Banshee cockpit.

As I was looking the stuff up, I discovered that the Sabre, (spaceship) I got, was actually a part of a set, it's called Countdown, and comes with three Mongooses, a few figures, and a Gantry/ launchpad. So, that's the main focus of picking this stuff up, that, and the Kodiak artillery's cannon, which is missing off the vehicle too.

Already, I have found the anti-air turrets of the Wolverine, which is sick.

Some figures even came with these special Drop Pods, which I also have now, which is great.

In general, I have picked up a major collection, and hopefully, I can complete it all, or at least, most of it.

It has cost me about €220 and is worth somewhere in the range of €1,500 - €2,000, but it could be more than that, I just don't know yet, because I'm not really sure what else is in these bags.


Keep up the good work. 👏

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