Don't Worry, Be Happy.

in #hive-1928065 months ago

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Don't Worry, Be Happy.


Don't Worry, Be Happy.

The worst that could happen to any individual is when you are trying and putting in your best and the result is not forthcoming at the moment, which is quite and highly discouraging. It all needs a strong mind to overcome such situations, which is highly tempting to do otherwise. And remember, every good delay is just for an unknown good reason, which is always a favor.

Well, I will start by telling you that life is stage by stage and turn by turn, hence one's turn can differ from yours just because everyone's calling is different, and that is the reason why everyone's is quite different from another. The only way out of this is to just keep trusting in the process in spite of the uncertainty surrounding your effort, the rest is assured to your favor as it all happens to me.

My life has always revolved around wonders that shall never end, which have already taught me lessons. Hence my life over the caption of the song by Bobby McFerrin on "Don't worry, be happy," has been a consoling lyric to me to look upon, because sometimes I keep asking myself whether I am still in the right lane of success after I go out there and see my colleagues performing in different styles, which is quite something to reason upon.

But one question I don't fail to ask myself is, do you really know the source of it and how they make it? And then, to console myself, I reflect back on the previous process and path I have taken so far that has led me across, and remembering this all reminds me, "Yes," indeed, I'm in line with what I am doing over the success trips have made already that have paved the way for me over time.

Over time, I have come to realize that life is a process that everyone has to follow, which implies that contrary to that, it can lead to misfortune. There seem to be some people who have gone contrary to this process, and the simple truth is that it didn't just end well for them, and that is the reason I don't have to worry now but rather to believe in the process that my future is bright.

Starting from my school day, retaining and keeping up with the process of life is always hard and something that can be discouraging over time. It all happened after my graduation from school. It all started to look like my own life is driving in another direction when I see my friend or coursemate doing their clearance with ease and without a single stress, but to my surprise, mine is always another fight reserve for another day to fight.

Despite having a good result and knowing fully well my capabilities, the problem remains why is it that is only my result is having errors that have denied it approval like others that have been approved, which have denied me a lot of opportunity to further as others have done, it all came to a certain point that I realized that life is turn-by-turn, and that was when my was approved.

Sometimes it may delay, but certainly for a reason, while I came to trust in the process, it was just because of the past achievements I have made so far and how long I have been on the journey of being successful. One other thing that I have retained me in the process and not to do orderwise is that I have seen people who are off the process and have seen how it all ended for them, which sometimes cost them their lives.

So today I have come to realize that for me to live and enjoy the fruit of my labor, it is just for me to remain in the process, because as the world revolves in its shapes and forms in its accurate timing, every human has to revolve based on doing the right thing at the right time, which implies that contrary to that, it can be explosive, which may not actually end well.

So when I look out there and see what others are doing, despite not achieving all things in my mind, I don't always fail to remember this song, "Don't worry and be happy". Reflecting back on who could have taught me that I could have been at this level I am today worth sticking to, in spite of my challenges in my surroundings I still have reason to further the journey.

So as I have experienced a lot and gone through a lot, I have come to realize that I have to be grateful and inspired by the little or more I have achieved so far in life. Remembering that life is not a bed of roses is always the reason I have to fight a good fight and work hard just to retain my pace in the space I found myself, which could be hard and easy sometimes, but one thing is for sure, life has its nature of treating people in the hard and easy ways just to retain them on the path of becoming successful.

This inspiration from this song is quite alarming and worth listening to. Right from my childhood, this song has been a source of inspiration for my path, which I will always be grateful to Bobby McFerrin for his song titled "Don't worry, be happy" as I have come to realize to be happy at all costs and at any moment of my life because life is turn by turn. I understand the only thing I own to myself is just to work hard, smart and trust in the process, because the good results in time to come will always shock and amaze me.
Blissful weekend friends...

☆Շђคภкร Ŧ๏г ץ๏ยг Շเ๓є☆




One does not need to put his or her mind on the challenges of life. "Don't worry be happy" by Bobby McFerrin is always my consolation when I encounter challenges of life and I am happy you sheared it's message with us today

Yes.. friend and is my pleasure that you understand what life look like

Thank you so much friend

You are wlc

Patience and happiness works hand in hand, but in this everything works with time and everyone has their own time which is divinely assigned to them. There may be a short cut to that time but who knows whats ahead? A lot of people have met their terrible end because they tried to bypass the time of life and were short lived.

Well said man, correctly said

Well said man, correctly said

I loved this comment:
"...Because as the world revolves in its shapes and forms in its accurate timing, every human has to revolve based on doing the right thing at the right time..."
Thank you so much for sharing this and the song, which I have always found inspiring.
Regards @kingworldline

Waoo.. is sweeten me to get such an applaud from you friend, i remain grateful for your feedback

This is an amazing song you've shared and the lyrics with a beautiful message. Life is truly turn by turn. There are times we feel like life is just against, and you've seen that, but then you realise you just have to trust the process.

You'll surely get there.

Exactly friend that is what we all pray for, definitely we shall all get there, thanks for your feedback

Wow! I was reading through your post but as soon as I hit the play button, I was absorbed into your words. Life is a gradual process, if you move to fast, you might end up in a ditch. Everything will be fine in the end.

Personally I feel it'd be better the song is placed closer to the start or middle of the write-up. It conveys a better emotional connection while reading through, just my thought though 😁


That really interesting, is my pleasure you grabbed some points, all you said is noted