Las flores de la guerra es una co-producción China - Hong Kong del 2011, dirigida por Zhang Yimou, se desarrolla en una ciudad de China en 1937 durante la guerra entre China y Japón, un maquillista forense se encuentra con unas niñas alumnas del convento, las ayuda a llegar a este donde se resguardan de los embates de la guerra, las prostitutas de un burdel cercano ingresan al convento a la fuerza y se esconden en el sótano, hasta que el ejercito japonés toma el convento, ahí realizan atroces actos en contra de las alumnas mientras las prostitutas continuaban escondidas. Tiempo después ellas dan su vida para salvar a las alumnas de las injusticias de la guerra.
Un increíble final esperanzador que te hará estremecer.
Esta película es una adaptación de la novela "Las 13 mujeres de Nankin" basada en hechos reales de la historia de China.
Espero se den el tiempo de verla, y si ya la vieron me comenten que les pareció. Saludos.
Hello everyone, today I want to talk about a movie I saw over the weekend, it is called “The Flowers of War”.
I know that possibly not many people like war movies and to tell the truth they are not my favorite ones either, but this time it was different because the women's courage was exceptional.
The Flowers of War is a co-production China - Hong Kong of 2011, directed by Zhang Yimou, takes place in a city in China in 1937 during the war between China and Japan, a forensic makeup artist meets some girls students of the convent, The prostitutes of a nearby brothel enter the convent by force and hide in the basement, until the Japanese army takes the convent, where they perform atrocious acts against the students while the prostitutes continue to hide. Later they give their lives to save the students from the injustices of war.
An incredible hopeful ending that will make you shudder.
This film is an adaptation of the novel “The 13 Women of Nankin” based on true events in Chinese history.
I hope you take the time to watch it, and if you have already seen it, let me know what you thought of it. Best regards.
Portada realizada en canva con imagen tomada de
Traducido con DeepL translate
Cover made in canva with image taken from
Translated with DeepL translate