Before l start be sure to check out my previous blog >here< as it shows some scenic shots before coming to this tight anchorage;) Thank you.
Once again we are in another tight anchorage; however we still didn't need to put on a stern line as there was no wind and we weren't too worried about swinging too much.
Last night: it did snow, but not too much, sadly the boat was only covered where there was no heat as everything else melted.
This is desolation sound, well its in the region of desolation sound, we will be spending some time here - about a month.
Then we will be heading back down south as we have some up coming plans.
These are my favourite photos, l couldn't choose between them, what do you think? Let me know which one you like better;)
Keep in mind l did edit these:
Which one? Let me know
Well thats all for today, thank you for reading
See you soon.