as a Splinterlands player I use Hive Blockchain more than one year.
I remember how happy I was when I moved from BSC, where I had to pay for every little move.
Until maybe November'22 I was power uping when I needed RC for Splinterlands.
To rent cards, move cards, change prices etc.
One day I started to talk with @atnazo about blogging, curations etc etc.
He is much younger than me, so he was like "older brother, but younger" :)
It occured to me, that Hive is not just fuel for my future Splinterlands lambo :),
but also place where i can share my SL experience, rewarding other ppl for their work etc.
So as we have the first day of new year, I started by blog on Hive and got my first PUD badge :)
I powered up a little, just 10 Hive, was not prepared for the event.
I promise more glamour the next month!