in #hive-1538503 years ago



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It’s been a long time on this platform and my absence had been caused by a whole lot of personal reasons, that’s a story for another day anyways.
The thrust of this post is based on the ongoing song that is trending on most social media platforms. Well, I beg to differ because my ADULTHOOD is not a scam. I know a lot of people will say it’s just for cruise but if a kid should draw your attention by asking you to explain what makes adulthood a scam, what would be your answer?

On the contrary, I know that being a youth and living in Nigeria is really tasking and could be frustrating but it doesn't still make sense to accept that being an adult is a scam.

Come to think of it, we don’t expect to remain toddlers or to be spoon-fed, hence we grow naturally and then grow mentally, financially, and otherwise.
You will all agree with me that while we were kids, life looked really easy and all rosy. we had nothing to worry about but as we metamorphosed into the life of teenagers we wanted to be free and wanted to proof to our parents and guardians that we are able to take care of ourselves. we have now fully grown into adulthood and we are suddenly saying it is scam because we have to work effortlessly on daily basis to foot our bills and perhaps lend a helping hand to the thousands of people around us. To me, that is where brevity and courage comes in to play.

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There are a whole lot of reasons why people have accepted this song. ranging from the lack of jobs face by a lot of graduates from our tertiary institutions to paying of exorbitant bills and thinking of settling down the family way. All of these has in one way or the other constituted to the moral decadence we face in our society today.

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Why Adulthood is not Scam for me;

  1. I expect to be a model to my generation and every young person around me and so I build myself in all aspects to ensure that I achieve all of that. I cannot say that growth is a scam because it is a natural phenomenon and if I deny myself of growing in any area, then I will be tagged and regarded as a failure.
  2. No one pays or gives so much attention to a child and so if I want to be taken seriously, then I ought to grow above certain limitations in the society and my sphere of existence.
  3. A child cannot contribute much to a society that is lacking behind and the society, on the other hand, does not expect too much from a toddler, they (the society) expect that when I grow to a certain stage or level, then I should be able to contribute my quota to the development of the society and the world at large.


  1. I was created to take Dominion and I can never attain that place of rulership if I see growth as a scam. I have to grow spiritually and realize the areas that I am expected to be in charge else, the moral decadence will be greater than in the time past.
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My Submission is that, we must not sing or profess the negative for ourselves, we must not buy every content that the world offers no matter how low the bidding is. We sing and speak what we want to see play out in our individual life. The change we seek must first begin with us and must be passed down to the generation to come.
When you sing the ADULTHOOD is a scam, remember that people existed and grew before you and that your generation is waiting for you to pass the baton, what kind of baton would you pass?
