What if LasseCash moons in the bearmarket?

in #lassecash2 years ago


The graph got obsured by thin orderbook on the sell side, which should be positive, but the psycology of people is different, they dont like this graph, it will be gone in a little over 1 month.

I think 10X from here is EASY, possibly more... if you look at LEO???::


Its very low, I remember when it was over $1 and people where talking about hitting $10, for the sizes I think LasseCash is doing better then Leo... we have no banners and 20 tags, plus the best information about cryptocurrency for free!!?!??!? what are you waiting for???

Should you invest in LasseCash?

Yes is the answer, I think we will have some slow months over the summer, but after that we will hit $0.004 and beyond again in my view.

So yes the summer will a good time to buy #LASSECASH #HEX #HEDRON (#PULSE #PULSEX #LIQUIDLOANS)

LasseCash will be a strong hedge in the strong bear market, people that realize this now will win big time!!

/Lasse Ehlers

Posted using LasseCash


Lasse only goes up if you choose to pay more when you buy it back, which you are so broke you can't even afford the Lassecash Outpost and had to beg ironshield to finance for you, so it is unlikely you can continue to pay more, in fact it is already showing as it has continued to drop. So much for your +20% a day bullshit.