We've successfully raised enough funds for the creation of the BYTE:BEE liquidity pool, which is now up and running on TribalDEX.
Currently the BYTE:BEE pool has around $10 USD worth of liquidity to start. As more participants join and provide liquidity, this amount will increase. If you plan to swap a large amount of either BEE or BYTE, please be mindful of the slippage percent.
Image Source: TribalDEX
The LP reward contract will be set up on May 17. This will give everyone who wants to start providing BEE and BYTE liquidity to the pool time to add it before the first day's payment occurs.
The first round will pay out daily for 365 days. @learn2code will deposit 365,000 BYTE and 100 BEE for LP rewards. Anyone else who wants to donate to the BYTE:BEE liquidity pool and deposit tokens is welcome to do so.
Thank you for your support of the Learn to Code tribe.
Image Source: Stable Diffusion