The BYTE:STEM diesel pool is now live on
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First payout to liquidity providers will happen in less than 24 hours. For the current distribution contract there will be 512 daily LP payouts until September 6, 2025. Then we'll need to renew the pool's LP rewards with a new contract.
@learn2code has deposited 512,000 BYTE and 10,000 STEM for the diesel pool's LP reward. Anybody else who wants to is welcome to donate to the pool's LP rewards by depositing tokens.
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The BYTE:STEM diesel pool is the first pool on TribalDEX pairing STEM token. When @learn2code can raise the funds a BYTE:BEE pool will also be created on TribalDEX.
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If you want to swap between STEM and BYTE I would recommend waiting at least a day to give liquidity providers a chance to start joining the pool. If you want to swap a large amount of either STEM or BYTE be mindful of the slippage
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