Hello everyone, welcome to my blog...
Love is that particular sensation you have for that specific someone. It's truly a wonder how people fall in love since you can't even pinpoint how it began, and once you're in love, it's impossible to control your feelings.It's a wonderful feeling to give your hearthrob your all.
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It's a lovely feeling to spend time with someone special, exchange gifts, honor them with compliments and praise, pay attention to little details when you converse, and, most importantly, support one another in reaching life's goals. There are no words to describe the incredible sensation you get when you make the courageous decision to live your entire life with that particular someone.
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Marriage requires many sacrifices, including your time, assets, affection, attention, and even your last name as a lady.
I'd like to share an amusing moment I had after becoming an "MRS."
I was feeling a little under the weather a few weeks after my wedding, so my husband and I decided to visit the hospital.
Upon arrival, we were asked to wait in the waiting area until we were summoned. We sat for a few minutes, and I kept hearing a name that sounds similar to mine but with a different surname, so I hesitated to go into the consulting room.
A nurse approached me a few minutes later and asked for my information. I gave her my card, and she said, "I've been called multiple times, so why didn't you answer?"
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That's when I realized I had changed my last name. My husband and everyone else started laughing, and I couldn't help but join in since it was so amusing.
Does anyone else have a similar experience to mine?