Saludos Hivers!
Cada vez me siento más feliz de seguir avanzando en mis proyectos musicales, en esta ocasión he llegado al "Experimental Vibes • Episode XI", fruto de una larga travesía.
Para los que no conocen, "Experimental Vibes", son mis composiciones instrumentales, realizadas en guitarra acústica o eléctrica, donde creo canciones que pueden ser utilizadas por cualquier #hiver dentro de la plataforma. Es decir, estos instrumentales están a la completa disposición de todos ustedes, y solo deben notificarme en los comentarios antes de usarlas, para llevar un control interno de mi trabajo.
En este episodio trabajé en acústico, solo le agregué un poco de eco a la mezcla, por lo que la guitarra se escucha lo más natural posible. Toda la composición está por la escala de Mim. Espero que disfruten del show.
¡Bendiciones para todos!
Greetings Hivers!
Every time I feel happier to continue advancing in my musical projects, this time I have reached "Experimental Vibes • Episode XI", the result of a long journey.
For those who don't know, "Experimental Vibes" are my instrumental compositions, performed on acoustic or electric guitar, where I create songs that can be used by any #hiver within the platform. That is, these instruments are at the complete disposal of all of you, and you only have to notify me in the comments before using them, to keep an internal control of my work.
In this episode I worked acoustic, just added a bit of echo to the mix, so the guitar sounds as natural as possible. All composition is on the Mim scale. I hope you enjoy the show.
Blessings for all!
Original Guitar Composition| @leomolina
Recording and Editing | Data
Guitar | According to the chords of the original song, recorded with a condenser microphone through the Cubase software. (Plugins: Compressor 5% & Reverb 10%). |
Video | In one shot, recorded with a Samsung J4 cell phone, edited using the Filmora software. |
Thanks for reading and listening... Until a next post!
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