Hello community members. Trust you are doing well. I'm glad to be making this post today. well it's been a busy week for me but I still have to find time to make this post.
So this week's prompt reads "Effect of Forgetfulness". when I first saw this week's prompt I was like " Hive management just call my name, stop cutting corners".
Forgetfulness is something that is part of every human being. we all forget one thing or another, sometimes it's because of our busy schedules, other times it's because of our nonchalance and procrastination. l have had my own fair share of forgetfulness.
l remembered vividly in my primary school when my dad paid my school fees at the community Bank and gave me the bank teller to give to my headmaster as proof of payment. The headmaster was supposed to collect the teller and change it to school receipt as evidence that I have paid my fees. lt happened on Thursday, I was supposed to take the teller to school the following day. The only thing I remember was that I collected the teller but what happened after then, till today I don't know, whether I slipped it inside my pocket and it fell while I was playing cashew seed with my friends outside or I hiit somewhere in the room and now I can't find it. I felt a cold shiver down my spine.
It's Friday morning and it's running late for school already and I can't let my dad find out that the teller is missing. So l pretended as though everything was fine and I set out for school. Throughout that day I wasn't paying attention to my teachers in class because my mind keeps drifting away, I was thinking about what will happen to me when I get back home without my receipt. It was as if time was just moving fast that day, soon it was closing time. I picked up my bag and started out for home.
In the evening, while eating at the dining, my dad asked me why I haven't given him the receipt yet, l lied, I told him I gave the headmaster the teller right before closing time and he said that it's late already so he can't change it to receipt for me till the following week, my dad obliged. Wow, that was easy I thought to myself, l actually lied because I was trying to buy myself time. Maybe before Monday I would find the teller, l thought to myself. To my disappointment I still couldn't find it.
It's Monday already and I had to go to school, filled with fear and regret, l set out for school praying desperately for a miracle, soon it was closing time l walked slowly back thinking of many bad things that could happen.
In the evening, my dad asked me again, that was when I lost words I became afraid and shaky, my dad immediately understood and asked me "what happened? or did you loose the teller? I replied yes....... phewww. My dad immediately pounced on me, that day I received the whooping of my life. Thank God my mom came to my rescue.
I went to bed and cried myself to sleep. The following morning before going to school my mom sat me down and advised me on transparency and honesty, that it's better to open up about a situation on time, lying only complicate things.
Well from that day I learnt a very important lesson, nonchalance will only cost me a great deal and I realized why business studies taught us about the importance of book-keeping. It is important to write out things so l don't forget. Everyone should own a diary where he or she can write down important things so we don't forget them. As we get older, we get caught up with things that takes our time and attention we tend to forget other things that might be important.
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