Bullet for the President (Documentary, 2024) [eng/срп] Метак за председника (Документарац, 2024)

in #hive-1223153 months ago

Bullet for the President.mp4_snapshot_01.30.142.jpg
Source / Извор: RT Documentary Screenshot

Остало је само још неколико дана до председничких избора у САД. Шта очекује Америку?

„Документарац о истрази Владимира Соловјева. Лета 2024. године дошло је до покушаја атентата на америчког председничког кандидата Доналда Трампа. Дана 13. јула, током митинга у Пенсилванији, метак га је промашио само за милиметар и окрзнуо му уво. Није ово први пут да је на мети амерички председнички кандидат; такви догађаји су у америчкој политичкој историји чести.

Шта се крије иза овог покушаја атентата? Колико је вероватно да постоји завера? Зашто се чини да се амерички систем опире председницима попут Трампа? Да ли би председнички избори могли да доведу до непредвидивих последица?“

Владимир Соловјев

У филму:
Андреј Безруков
Вјачеслав Лобајев
Димитриј Сајмс

Bullet for the President at Rumble. Duration / Трајање: 40:31 (Rus–Eng)

Bullet for the President.mp4_snapshot_01.55.691.jpg

Bullet for the President at Telegram. Duration / Трај.: 40:31 (Rus–Eng)

Bullet for the President.mp4_snapshot_01.55.691.jpg

Bullet for the President at Odysee. Duration / Трајање: 40:31 (Rus–Eng)

Bullet for the President.mp4_snapshot_01.55.691.jpg

Bullet for the President at RT. Duration / Трајање: 40:31 (Rus–Eng)

Bullet for the President.mp4_snapshot_01.55.691.jpg

Bullet for the President at Bastyon. Duration / Трај.: 40:31 (Rus–Eng)

Bullet for the President.mp4_snapshot_01.55.691.jpg

Bullet for the President at RT Doc. Duration / Трајање: 40:31 (Rus–Eng)

Bullet for the President.mp4_snapshot_01.55.691.jpg

I would divide the assessment of this film into two parts. I completely disagree with the superficial analysis (or attempted reconstruction) of the assassination. Important details are barely mentioned, or explained very shallowly, taking the assassination attempt for granted, as an attempt by the globalist elite to remove Trump.

On the other hand, the sociological analysis of the state of the American people (not the state – it has already been abolished) is much better and deserves attention, whether we agree with it or not.

Оцену овог филма поделио бих на две целине. У потпуности се не слажем с површном анализом (или покушајем реконструкције) атентата. Важни детаљи тек су поменути, или врло плитко објашњени, узимајући покушај атентата здраво за готово, као покушај глобалистичке елите да уклони Трампа.

С друге стране, социолошка анализа стања у коме се налази амерички народ (не држава – она је већ укинута) много је боља и заслужује пажњу, сложили се ми са њом или не.

And we will be able to verify that sociological analysis very soon…

И ту социолошку анализу моћи ћемо да проверимо веома брзо…

* * *

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We are supposed to be the STATES of the American people. We are seeing a movement against the deep state / corporatocracy union who are conspiring together against the American people. People are indeed taking the "red pill" and "waking up" and realizing "you are a slave Neo". But will there be a slave revolt? Most slaves don't get to select their slavemaster.

The adversaries has their pick and they're doing whatever dirty tricks they can to make sure they get what they want (however unlikely), including blowing the brains out of the populist opponent, if they can. And yes they can, they've done it before to lesser opponents many times over. Why Butler didn't go as they planned is either Divine intervention, sheer luck, done on purpose or all staged.

I think most likely they grazed his ear purposefully as a reminder...

Or from that "all staged" perspective, the (in this case extremely evil Satanic) populist is simply providing the "hopium" that will be snatched away from the American people, suddenly, violently, graphically in a mass hypnotic event, like the nescafe commercial aired after the shock of the JFK assassination. Follow the watch, you are getting sleeeeepy.... "a new kind of government coffee, new and improved..."

By removing the golden one, the people would likely rise up and BIG (everything) will keep the order, the "good guys" with profiles of every citizen, cameras everywhere (even in the citizens' own pockets) and most good slaves civilized people would agree, eliminating the MAGA savages is needed to maintain their sustainability 2030 goals. Only "bad guys" fight BIG (everything), so we are taught.

This is a dark perspective and would make Mr. Golden Hair more evil than any DEEP STATE player. It's a tough black pill to swallow. I'd rather believe in the charismatic leader, that a reformed "team red" will fix everything. I'll admit I've tasted the MAGA juice. Once getting a taste of that hopium, well it's some gooooood stuff, man. And I want more!