DARPA, what are we looking at? [eng/срп] ДАРПА, шта ми то видимо?

in #hive-1223153 years ago

Vaccine is a virus-1.jpg
Source / Извор: Twitter (screenshot)

Bearing in mind how difficult it is for people to read and search sensitive documents, especially if they are in a foreign language, we will share a few details from the discovery of ‘Project Veritas’…

The essence goes as follows: Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has refused further research and financing of biological weapons, the development of the so-called a chimera virus that could be transmitted from a bat to a human as too dangerous. However, the proponents of the rejected Project Defuse, the EcoHealth Alliance, turned to the National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) under Anthony Fauchi, which approved funding for a secret continuation of research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China. It’s a fact. Fauci will not reveal in whose interest, until he receives a court order.

The Veritas project obtained a separate report to the Inspector General of the Ministry of Defense written by U.S. Marine Corp Major, Joseph Murphy, a former DARPA Fellow, detailing great concerns about the COVID-19 function development program, concealment of documents, suppression of potential drugs such as Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine, and mRNA vaccines. It is the last of the five documents posted in the links of a previous text in English language, and also you can find it at the official Project Veritas page.

“SARS-CoV-2 is an American-created recombinant bat vaccine, or its precursor virus. It was created by an EcoHealth Alliance program at the Wuhan Institute of virology (WIV), as suggested by the reporting surrounding the lab leak hypothesis.” (See cover picture)

According to Murphy's report, the development of the virus itself as a biological weapon was not successful. Otherwise, certain, informed governments would not behave in this way:

Имајући у виду колико је људима тешко читање и претраживање осетљивих докумената, поготово ако су на страном језику, поделићемо поново неколико детаља из открића ‘Пројекта Веритас’…

Суштина је у следећем: Агенција за истраживање напредних пројеката одбране (ДАРПА) одбила је даље истраживање и финансирање биолошког оружја, развоја тзв. химера вируса који би могао да се пренесе са слепог миша на човека, као превише опасно. Међутим, предлагачи одбијеног пројекта ‘Гашење фитиља’, ЕкоХелт Алијанса, обратили су се Националном институту за алергије и инфективне болести (НИАИД) под управом Ентонија Фаучија, који је одобрио финансијска средства за тајни наставак истраживања на Институту за вирусологију у Вухану, у Кини. То је чињеница. Фаучи неће открити у чијем интересу, све док не добије судски налог.

Пројекат Веритас прибавио је засебан извештај генералном инспектору Министарства одбране који је написао мајор америчке морнарице Џозеф Марфи, бивши члан ДАРПА-е, у којем се детаљно наводи велика забринутост због програма развоја функције ковида-19, прикривања докумената, сузбијања потенцијалних лекова, као што су ивермектин и хидроксихлорокин, и мРНА вакцине. То је последњи од пет докумената постављених у линковима у претходном тексту на енглеском, или на оригиналној страници Пројекта Веритас.

SARS-CoV-2 америчка је креација, то је рекомбинантна вакцина слепих мишева, или њен прекурсорски вирус. Направљен је кроз програм ЕкоХелт Алијансе на Институту за вирусологију у Вухану, као што сугеришу извештаји око хипотезе о цурењу из лабораторије.“ (види уводну слику)

Судећи по Марфијевом извештају, развој самог вируса као биолошког оружја није био успешан. Иначе се одређене, обавештене владе не би понашале на овај начин:

But the description of the ‘vaccine’ reveals the frightening truth and the horrific scale of the crime:

“The gene-encoded, or ‘mRNA’ vaccines work poorly because they are synthetic replications of the already-synthetic SARSr-CoV-WIV spike proteins and possess no other epitopes. The mRNA instructs the cells to produce synthetic copies of the SARSr-CoV-WIV synthetic spike protein directly into the bloodstream, wherein they spread and produce the same ACE2 immune storm that the recombinant vaccine does. Many doctors in the country have identified that the symptoms of vaccine reactions mirror the symptoms of the disease, which corroborates with the similar synthetic nature and function of the respective spike proteins.

The vaccine recipient has no defense against the bloodstream entry, but their nose protects them from the recombinant spike protein quasispecies during "natural infection" (better termed as aerosolized inoculation).”

The report practically says that the ‘vaccine’ is a virus! Or perhaps better said, the continuation of the failed development of biological weapons, its improvement through a series of mass experiments on the world's population! But that’s not all. The program was practically continued despite the millions of victims and despite the fact that the medicines were clearly recognized!

Али зато опис ‘вакцина’ открива стравичну истину и застрашујуће размере злочина:

„Генетски кодиране вакцине или ‘мРНК’ функционишу лоше јер су оне синтетичке репликације већ синтетичких протеина SARSr-CoV-WIV и немају друге епитопе. мРНК налаже ћелијама да производе синтетичке копије SARSr-CoV-WIV синтетичког шиљатог протеина директно у крвоток, при чему се шире и производе исту АЦЕ2 имунолошку олују као и рекомбинантна вакцина. Многи лекари идентификовали су да симптоми реакција на вакцину одражавају симптоме болести, што потврђује сличну синтетичку природу и функцију одговарајућих шиљатих протеина.

Прималац вакцине нема одбрану од уласка у крвоток, али нос га штити од квазиврста рекомбинантног шиљатог протеина током „природне инфекције“ (боље речено инокулације у виду аеросола).“

Извештај практично каже да је ‘вакцина’ вирус! Или можда боље речено, наставак неуспелог развоја биолошког оружја, његово усавршавање кроз серију масовних експеримената на светској популацији! Али ни то није све. Програм је практично настављен упркос милионима жртава и упркос томе што су лекови били јасно препознати!

Vaccine is a virus-2.jpg

“Ivermectin (identified as curative in April 2020) works throughout all phases of illness because it both inhibits viral replication and modulates the immune response. Of note, chloroquine phosphate (Hydroxychloroquine, identified April 2020 as curative) is identified in the proposal as a SARSr-CoV inhibitor, as is interferon (identified May 2020 as curative).”

So, we have another confirmation from military documents that no ‘health measures’ were needed and that effective drugs against the ‘unknown virus’ were practically known from the very beginning. That is why the questions asked by the editor and CEO of the Project Veritas portal, James O’Keefe, are quite reasonable:

“Who at DARPA made the decision to bury the original report? They could have raised red flags to the Pentagon, the White House, or Congress, which may have prevented this entire pandemic that has led to the deaths of 5.4 million people worldwide and caused much pain and suffering to many millions more.”

Now the only question remains: Is there a state and its judiciary before which Anthony Fauci must be found responsible, or our lives are completely in the hands of Big Pharma mafia corporations?

„Ивермектин (идентификован као лек у априлу 2020.) делује у свим фазама болести јер истовремено инхибира репликацију вируса и модулира имуни одговор. Треба напоменути да је хлорокин фосфат (Хидроксихлорокин, идентификован у априлу 2020. као лек) идентификован у предлогу као инхибитор SARSr-CoV, као и интерферон (идентификован у мају 2020. као лек). “

Дакле, имамо још једну потврду из војних докумената да никакве ‘здравствене мере’ нису биле потребне и да су ефикасни лекови против ‘непознатог вируса’ практично били познати од самог почетка. Зато су сасвим разумна питања која поставља уредник и шеф портала Пројект Веритас, Џемс О’Киф:

„Ко је у ДАРПА-и донео одлуку да се оригинални извештај сакрије? Могли су да упозоре Пентагон, Белу кућу или Конгрес, што би можда спречило целу ову пандемију која је довела до смрти 5,4 милиона људи широм света и изазвала много бола и патње небројеним милионима.“

Сад још само остаје питање: Постојe ли држава и судство пред којим Ентони Фаучи мора да одговара, или су наши животи потпуно у рукама фармакомафијашких корпорација?

In English, more details from Murphy’s report can be found in the text entitled “Excerpts from a DARPA document regarding COVID-19 origins” posted by our @rocket47

На енглеском језику више детаља из Марфијевог извештаја можете наћи у тексту под насловом „Изводи из ДАРПА докумената о пореклу ковида-19“ који је поставио наш @rocket47

Always remember Julian Assange was the first to expose global criminals
Не заборавите да је Џулијан Асанж први разоткрио глобалнe злочинце

* * *

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Coronavirus Hoax: The Thinking Stuff Part VIII [eng/срп] Коронапревара: Ствари за размишљање, део VIII

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Archived Coronavirus Files – April 2021 (177–183)

Archived Coronavirus Files – March 2021 (165–176)

Archived Coronavirus Files – February 2021 (162–164)

Archived Coronavirus Files – January 2021 (147–161)

Archived Coronavirus Files – December 2020 (131–146)

Archived Coronavirus Files – November 2020 (115–130)

Archived Coronavirus Files – October 2020 (101–114)

Archived Coronavirus Files – September 2020 (92–100)

Archived Coronavirus Files – August 2020 (77–91)

Archived Coronavirus Files – July 2020 (61–76)

Archived Coronavirus Files – June 2020 (52–60)

Archived Coronavirus Files – May 2020 (35–51)

Archived Coronavirus Files – April 2020 (17–34)

Archived Coronavirus Files – March 2020 (1–16)

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Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 88 of my contest just started...you can now check the winners of the previous week!

Does anyone have a link to the entire document?
I've only seen the highlighted screenshots.

Now that we've seen DARPA documents, I hope someone courageous in NIAID or EcoHealth Alliance will expose more information about this worldwide insanity.

I recall seeing a statement describing the virus as being produced in WIV despite DARPA not funding it, but directly stating that Anthony Fauci provided the funding to do so. Not only did Fauci fund GoF research contrary to the moratorium in place at the time, and lie to Congress regarding doing so, but he has deliberately caused the medications that cured Covid to be unavailable, and enabled the EUA and pharmaceutical companies to murder more than 5 million people. While he did not do so alone, he was integral to making it happen.

It's time to put guillotines back in operation, and not only for Anthony Fauci.


What they did early on was skew the data in studies to make it look like HCQ was not effective, for example giving it after someone already had one foot in the grave and the damage was done thanks to the cytokine storm. Then based on those manipulated studies came up with the excuse to ban the use of HCQ. This was before Ivermectin was known as another therapeutic. That is how they came up with the Hospital guidelines. Of course they knew all along they would be pursuing a vaccine only solution which would feed into a vax pass, then turn into your social credit score system. Now I understand why they used to hold public executions.

I really thought this was going to be the straw that broke the camel's back, but it looks like they are weathering it again. Even in conservative circles this story is already dying out, except for Bannon's War Room. If this expose' doesn't bring justice I'm not sure anything will at this point. I try to remain positive though.

I don't care what mealy mouthed politicians do or don't do. Two of my friends have died in the last month from the jabs, a family member is ill with the coof now, and a gal I am doing work for is having pace maker installed after developing heart problems right after being jabbed. Right when this all began I had a heart attack out of the blue. I have always suspected it was the coof, and now I am just gonna count that as an attempt on my life.

These are acts of war against me, my family, and my beloved friends and neighbors. I'm not hoping for shit.

I'm at war.

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So the Americans (I think it was during the Obama Administration, yes?) started the research (in a Chinese lab, which was dumb), then decided it was too dangerous and abandoned it, but Dr. Fauc-enstein decided "screw the approval, I'm going to continue it anyway with Chinese partners," and then the Wuhan lab (which, it has been revealed, is under command of the PLA bio-weapons program) ran with it, with Fauci funneling funds to them without Congress's knowledge of where these funds were going.
Do I basically understand this correctly?

I'm skeptical, and here's why. If this DID originate from DARPA plans (even if it was China that ran with it afterward, and then dropped the ball by releasing it), China would have known that from the beginning. They could have saved themselves a lot of face and gotten a propaganda blitz out of waving this document from the rafters early on saying "See?! The AMERICANS DID IT!"
So why didn't they?
Think about it. If this document is real, China has had a propaganda gold mine at their disposal for two years, and they'd have known it. If they had this card all along, why didn't they play it?

You didn’t read the text and/or the documents, @patriamreminisci. If you did, you would see that the project was proposed to DARPA in 2018, by the EcoHealth Alliance. Doesn’t have anything with Obama Administration. This is fully Anthony Fauci (and almost certain his Big Pharma bosses) maverick project. The United States does not exist anymore. With the ousting of Trump, corporations have taken over and commit a high treason.

Chinese could not directly accuse USA because they do not have a proof – there is no isolated virus. And the virus cannot be isolated because the development of such thing was not successful so far. As Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg testifies, this ‘vaccine’ is actually a development of a virus. If you live long enough, you will know Big Pharma have finished development when they file a patent for the virus. That is, if someone does not stop them in the meantime.

All you have to do is to watch this 20-minute video and read the military documents. The evidence are clear.

I did read the document, and did watch the video. And the "evidence," if you want to call it that, is far from clear. I see a lot of mutually contradictory "trust me, bro" type assurances with text CLAIMING to have been lifted from intelligence community sources.

I want to thank you for pointing out the bit about EcoHealth Alliance "first" proposing the idea in 2018 though, because that proves this is inaccurate. Documents from as far back as 2014, showing both American and Vietnamese (Not sure why) funding for the same project at WIV, have been public since February 2020.

Now having said that, your explanation of "The Chinese couldn't accuse the Americans without admitting guilt themselves" does make perfect sense. Everything else here though, is more than a bit sus.

And the "evidence," if you want to call it that, is far from clear. I see a lot of mutually contradictory "trust me, bro" type assurances with text CLAIMING to have been lifted from intelligence community sources.

That is a report to the Inspector General of the Ministry of Defense, @patriamreminisci. Nobody from the U.S. Army did not came out and said that it is fake. It is not relevant what do you or I see in it. The important question is: can this report be used in the Court of Law or not?