Habits can be designated as the set of actions that we carry out; consciously or unconsciously, repeatedly; sometimes even compulsively.
Habits speak much more about who we are, than about what we want to reflect to others. Many successful people in different areas of life indicate that they owe their success and the achievement of their goals to their healthy habits. These can range from what they eat, think, physical exercise, to financial investment methods, but also; it is well known that after reaching the summit of where we want to be, everything can fall apart because of a bad habit.
They say that this type of harmful behavior, mostly comes from an emotional deficiency; in some cases it is so.
My bad habit is eating sweets. I have turned it into a habit, this harms me and I hope that talking about it will help me to diminish it; if possible, eradicate it.
When we are young and very active we require sugars to compensate a little for the energy spent. But as time goes by, it is counterproductive.
Recently I was forced to break with this bad habit because I had to have a tooth extracted due to carelessness. The first thing the dentist stressed to me was: liquid diet, zero dairy and no grains. If I wanted to heal quickly, I had to limit sweets, although the doctor did not mention this. I won't talk about compliance with the liquid diet😁 . But for those days I avoided soda and many other sweet temptations.
Although I felt bad (sore) for those days as it was somewhat traumatizing the extraction; my taste improved quite a bit, it's like tripling the flavor of each meal. I know that my body would be much slimmer if I didn't consume so much sugar. So I always try, as much as possible, to substitute some things for healthier ones and openly ask for help so that I don't keep giving myself more sweet things.
I must confess that I love this picture. I saved it thinking that at some point I would need it in some publication. The setting belongs to a school project closing alluding to "Charlie and the chocolate factory".
The images are my property. Taken from a Samsung phone.
Translated from Spanish to English by DeppL (free version)