My neighbour kitty just wanted to be free// Mi gatito vecino solo quería ser libre.

in #hive-1967086 months ago
Hoy me encontré a un lindo gatito, pero no era cualquier gatito, era Azul, mi vecino felino. Al principio, dude de que fuera él, con tantos gatos que pueden parecerse a veces entre sí, tal vez no era, fue el primer pensamiento que paso por mi mente, sin embargo, estaba un poco curiosa, mientras más me acercaba ya que estaba un poco lejos, más se me hacía bastante parecido, cuando divise su collar, que por cierto es de color azul, no daba crédito a lo que mis ojos veían, era él.

Today I met a cute little kitten, but it wasn't just any kitten, it was Blue, my feline neighbour. At first, I doubted it was him, with so many cats that can sometimes look like each other, maybe it wasn't him, was the first thought that crossed my mind, however, I was a bit curious, the closer I got as he was a bit far away, the more he looked quite similar to me, when I spotted his collar, which by the way is blue, I couldn't believe my eyes, it was him.

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Fue una sorpresa para mi verlo tan lejos de su casa porque él un gato muy casero y no salía de los alrededores de su casa, me preocupe un poco y más por la hora, ya que era pasadas las seis de la tarde y él estaba allí sentado al frente de la avenida viendo pasar los autos a toda velocidad, tal vez estaba un poco confundido, tal vez quería cruzar la avenida o simplemente era un prófugo de su hogar, aunque dudo un poco esta tercera teoría porque se puede notar a simple vista que sus dueños lo tratan muy bien y tiene muchas comodidades que muchos gatos desearían ya que su familia es adinerada y no creo que el quiera vivir los embates de una vida sencilla.

It was a surprise for me to see him so far away from his home because he is a very homely cat and he didn't go out of the surroundings of his house, I was a bit worried because it was after six o'clock in the evening and he was sitting there in front of the avenue watching the cars passing by at full speed, maybe he was a bit confused, Maybe he wanted to cross the avenue or maybe he was simply a fugitive from his home, although I doubt this third theory because you can see at a glance that his owners treat him very well and he has many comforts that many cats would like because his family is wealthy and I don't think he wants to live the hardships of a simple life.


Al acercarme note su collar, era el mismo modelo de collar pero con un color diferente al que tenía la última vez cuando me fue a visitar, en esta ocasión usaba el collar de color azul, la última vez que lo había visto tenía el de color verde, lo llame e inmediatamente me reconoció, me saludo con su habitual miau, allí comprobé que si era Azul, pensé en traerlo a casa a pesar de que ando enojada con los vecinos dueños del gato, sin embargo, no iba a dejar a Azul en ese lugar ya que lo más seguro es que alguien se deslumbrara por su belleza y se lo llevara, sin exagerar puedo asegurarles que Azul es precioso, las fotos no le hacen tanto merito a lo bello que es en vivo y directo, lo he comprobado siempre que visita mi a hacerme compañía y jugar con mis plantas, al punto de que a veces deshoja sus hojas como si se tratara de una competencia de quien deshoja todas las plantas de mi jardín en un tiempo record, en fin, su belleza es cautivadora y se lo podían robar.

When I approached I noticed his collar, it was the same model of collar but with a different colour to the one he had the last time when he came to visit me, this time he was wearing the blue collar, the last time I had seen him he had the green one, I called him and he immediately recognized me, he greeted me with his usual meow, there I checked that it was Azul, I thought about bringing him home even though I am angry with the neighbours who own the cat, however, I was not going to leave Azul in that place because most likely someone would be dazzled by his beauty and take him away, without exaggeration I can assure you that Azul is beautiful, without exaggeration I can assure you that Azul is beautiful, the photos do not make him so much merit to how beautiful he is in live and direct, I have verified it whenever he visits me to keep me company and play with my plants, to the point that sometimes he leaves his leaves as if it were a competition of who leaves all the plants of my garden in a record time, in short, his beauty is captivating and they could steal him.



Lo llame y él enseguida empezó a seguirme, no podía cargarlo porque tenía mis manos ocupadas con las bolsas del mercado, a veces se detenía y yo tenía que esperarlo para que continuara a mi lado, haciendo mi espera un poco pesada por la carga de mis bolsas. Al llegar a casa, deje las bolsas, cargue al gato y se lo fui a llevar al vecino. Al principio el gatico quería quedarse conmigo en casa, pero mi perra odia a los felinos con todo su corazón y Negra estaba en los alrededores así que me apure cargue al gatico y llame al vecino para entregárselo. Salió al llamado el hijo adolescente de los vecinos, estuvimos hablando acerca de Azul y su travesura del día, el vecino me dijo que no iba a dejar que saliera más de casa porque tal vez la próxima vez no corra la misma suerte de que yo lo consiga y se lo lleven ya que es dócil y se deja cargar con facilidad, en fin a pesar de mis diferencias con mi vecino millonario, no iba a dejar que Azul perdiera ese estilo de vida al cual esta tan acostumbrado, y es que pasar de la riqueza a una vida sencilla es algo que le pegaría mucho a mi vecino felino.

I couldn't carry him because I had my hands full with the bags from the market, sometimes he stopped and I had to wait for him to follow me, making my wait a bit heavy because of the load of my bags. When I got home, I left the bags, carried the cat and went to take him to the neighbour. At first the kitten wanted to stay with me at home, but my dog hates felines with all her heart and Negra was in the vicinity so I hurriedly loaded the kitten and called the neighbour to hand it over. We were talking about Azul and his mischief of the day, the neighbour told me that he wasn't going to let him out of the house anymore because maybe next time he won't have the same luck of me getting him and taking him away as he is docile and easy to carry, in spite of my differences with my millionaire neighbour, I was not going to let Azul lose the lifestyle to which he is so used to, and the fact is that going from wealth to a simple life is something that would be very hard for my feline neighbour.


Me toco hacer una tregua con mi vecino por el bien del lindo gatito, a veces pienso que Azul quería ser libre como el viento y quería tener una vida normal ya que estar encerrado todo el día en casa debe ser aburrido, tal vez quería conocer otros felinos, pasear por las calles, hacer cosas de gatos, quizás enamorarse de una linda gatita, tener una familia, en fin, si eso era lo que pensaba el gatito, arruine por completo sus planes de huida y libertad, solo le quedara el consuelo de visitarme a la casa y seguir peleando con mis plantas como fuente de diversión aunque últimamente no me ha visitado, tal vez el vecinito cumplió con su palabra de no dejarlo salir más, quizás Azul albergue un sentimiento de decepción contra mí por no dejarlo cumplir sus sueños, en fin son solo mis pensamientos ya que no sé lo que en realidad que piensa un gato.

I had to make a truce with my neighbour for the sake of the cute kitten, sometimes I think that Azul wanted to be free like the wind and wanted to have a normal life because being locked up all day at home must be boring, maybe he wanted to meet other felines, walk the streets, do cat things, maybe fall in love with a cute kitten, have a family, in short, if that was what the kitten thought, I completely ruined his plans of escape and freedom, he will only have the consolation of visiting me at home and continue fighting with my plants as a source of amusement although lately he has not visited me, maybe the neighbour kept his word of not letting him go out anymore, maybe Azul has a feeling of disappointment against me for not letting him fulfil his dreams, in short these are only my thoughts because I don't know what a cat really thinks.


Bueno amigos esta fue mi experiencia de esta semana con mi vecino felino, nos vemos en una próxima oportunidad para contarles acerca de este emocionante mundo de las mascotas, hasta entonces amantes de los animales

Well friends this was my experience this week with my feline neighbour, see you next time to tell you about this exciting world of pets, until then animal lovers.


Dios que hermosos ojos 😍. Hay gatos así, unos más caseros que otros, mientras que algunos prefieren ser libres como el viento.

Si Azul tiene unos ojos preciosos, gracias por pasar por mi post, saludos y bendiciones

Que bello ese gato, los ojos increíbles y el pelaje genial. Yo tengo una gata y dos gatos, la gata se escapa y el gato siempre está en casa. Pero estoy enamorado de este gato, que hermoso

Si, él es un gatito muy lindo, uy, la gata es traviesa, le gusta pasear, que chévere es tener a dos felinos uno diferente del otro. Saludos, gracias por la visita.

Blue is really beautiful!
I'm glad you saw him because if he has always been at home it is very likely that he would not have had a good time in the street, maybe he wanted to live the dream adventure hahahaha, but the best thing is that he is with his owners in a safe place.

Yes, the cute kitty was going to have a hard time without his owners as he is not used to be in need, thank you for your visit, greetings and blessings.