What we see when the moon doesn’t shine.
View from outside of where we slept last night.
Last Monday we started a journey towards the south of Europe, snow came to the feet of our doors with the message that is time to leave.
. . .Well, the reality is actually not that romantic! Our place in Berlin got very small for the both of us. . . the instruments, the big scale paintings, all the tools and painting materials, the climbing tools. . . Too many things for such a small and dark place we were living.
For the moment, we decided to go to the south, to start a new project with new perspectives.
Gladly we could enjoy a couple of days of snow in Brandenburg.
You can see at Mazin’s post @growandbow the route we are making, who are we visiting and why :)
In this post I would like to give another approach. Sharing the journey through thoughts that come from encountering different cultures and visions.
2nd stop, Next to Nisihof community
Driving down south I’m asking many questions.
Why haven’t I lived in Barcelona for that many years?
Such a beautiful city, with the brightness of the sun and the diversity of cultures.
Is it that I left because of wanting to explore? Is it because of the people? Because of the dynamics of the city? Maybe the lifestyle?
Going to different places has shown me that is none of those reasons. I realised that no matters how much I love my family, It is because of their bound, because of the expectations and the memories of who I was, but I’m not anymore.
In all the places I had been until now I felt the freedom of arriving as a blank canvas, but in Barcelona I have a birth-given identity.
First stop, Marbug
On this time of new intentions, I claim to have the knowledge to set healthy boundaries towards specific comments and situations, in order to continue building myself how I am.
Do you feel this? Are you living in the city where you were born or you have moved around?
Do you feel connected with your culture?
I think this questions can vary a lot from person to person and I’m so curious to knowing your story.
The light of my life, this two humans know very well how to make me laugh
All my life Í’ve been looking for my tribe. Specially the last 10 years I‘ve been exploring outside of my home country people I would belong to. You can see it just by knowing that my three last partners were not from Barcelona and my best friend is an absolute mestiza from the world. Now, this tribe is spread all over the world… for example, this is why we have so many stops before arriving to Barcelona, we are visiting many of our friends.
This is why I wanna live in community with those like minded people that I consider my family.
I have hope that this time things will be different and we will start finding community in Barcelona.
The family at Oberkirch
New moon, new beginnings.
*Everything shared in this post is original content.
You can follow my art and daily stories at @llunasoul.ink