Daniel's little helper

in #hive-1707984 months ago

Daniel Jacques sat at his desk at work, looking at his pupils with pride. He worked as a teacher in a school, and for the past two years he couldn't have been happier. The kids who were aged between 5 and 6 years loved him, and he cared for them and loved them too.

“So who can tell me what they want to be when they grow up?” he asked, watching in amusement as the kids faces suddenly turned serious with the effort of selecting the best career path for their future.

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A hand was raised and Danny happily pointed at the owner to answer.

“I wish to be the president of the world” Owen, one of his students replied.

Daniel stifled a laugh as a memory of him at that age telling his mother on tape that he wanted to be in the circus when he grew up flashed through his memory.

“Owen, you can't be the president of the world. Maybe you mean the country?” Daniel said.

“No sir, the world” Owen replied gesturing with his hands, “When I become president of the world, I will be able to eat anything I like and not have a bedtime. Also, I'll be able to marry Madison” Owen replied, flashing a grin with lots of missing tooth across the class to Madison.

Madison screamed in horror and hid her face in shame as the rest of the class burst into fits of giggles. Daniel noticed that Luke another student of his seemed to be lost in thought. In fact, Luke had been absentminded a lot these days.

“Okay Owen, sit down. Next person?” he asked and listened in amusement as the kids answered him with replies varying from doctor to lawyer to nurse, another president and then a chocolate factory owner.

“Luke? Are you okay?” he finally asked the little boy.

“Yes Mr. Daniel” Luke replied wearily.

“So, what is your response?” Danny asked, walking up to squat in front of Luke.

Luke stared at his classmates in panic. He didn't know what question he was supposed to answer. He breathed a sigh of relief as Daniel repeated the question to him.

“Well, Mr. Daniel, I think I want to be a children's doctor” Owen replied

“That's good, the correct word is a Pediatrist” Daniel said.

“When I become a Pedtrish... I'll be able to help my sister… Marie…she” Luke replied his voice becoming shaky and tears welling in his eyes.

Daniel was glad when the bell rang, signalling it was time for break. He watched the other kids pick up their lunch boxes and run out of the class to eat and play.

“Pediatrist, Luke, is your sister ill?” he asked the little boy concerned.

“Yes, Mr. Daniel, I visit her everyday in the hospital. She always looks sad, and I wish she could get better and be happy” Luke said, finally breaking down in tears.

Daniel comforted the little boy and made a mental note to talk to the boy's mother after school dismissed.

“Hey buddy, don't you know what I want to be when I grow up?” he asked Luke, trying to cheer him up.

It worked because Luke chuckled and told Daniel he was already their teacher and a grown up.

“Okay, smarty-pants, I'll tell you a secret then. I also work as a clown mostly on weekends but sometimes during the weekdays”. Luke whispered.

Noo, you're a teacher” Like whispered back.

“Yes! I have a proper costume and can juggle balls excellently” Daniel replied laughing.

The clown job was something Daniel did for the extra income and also because he loved kids. He had been the clown in most of the school students birthday parties but of course they didn't recognize him because of his costume, make-up and changed voice.

Recently, he had started going to the children's wings in hospitals with the administration's permission to cheer up sick kids. The children and parents loved it, and they looked forward to his surprise visits.

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“I have a job this Friday, would you care to be my little helper?” Daniel asked Luke.

“Yes! I can't wait to tell my sister all about it. I hope it makes her smile” Luke replied happily.

The secret cheered Luke up throughout the day and made him pay attention in class. After school was over, Danny walked with Luke to his mother.

“Good day, Mrs. Goldman. How do you do?” Danny said as Luke whispered furiously to his mother in excitement.

Daniel noticed Luke's mother looked tired and sad. He confirmed that Luke's three-year-old sister was indeed sick and in a private pediatric hospital. She had been diagnosed with Anemia, and it was really hard on Mrs. Goldman because her husband had passed away after Marie had been born, and she was going through this alone.

“God, I'm so sorry. I didn't know Mr. Goldman was deceased” Daniel said.

“My daddy went to heaven before you were employed, Mr. Daniel” Luke said before his mother could reply and Daniel's heart broke for the little boy and his family.

“He's right, Mr. Daniel, it happened before you joined the school. Thank you for offering to have him as your assistant. It would help take his mind off everything” Mrs. Goldman replied, looking as if she were tying hard not to cry. He bade them goodbye and promised Luke that he would have a costume ready for him before the Friday.

Luke was the happiest kid in the world at the end of school that Friday. Daniel drove to their house to pick him up from his Nanny later in the afternoon and was surprised to see his mother also at home.

“I just want to see the costume and take pictures. I hope you don't mind?” she said to Daniel, smiling.

“Of course not, just allow me 15 minutes to work my magic on Luke” Daniel replied.

Fifteen minutes later, Luke emerged from his room to laughter and cheers from his mother and Nanny. Their laughter increased when Luke walked out in his full costume. He showed them a few tricks and magically produced flowers for the ladies and candy for Luke. And off they went to their gig.

The kids loved Luke and instantly named him the little clown. After the first time, Daniel taught Luke how to juggle balls and help him in handing out gifts. Even kids who feared clowns warmed up to the Luke and cried when it was time for them to go.

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Spending time with Daniel also helped Luke as he received free school lessons after their performances, while being driven home or to the hospital or while waiting for his mother. Daniel always brought a gift for Luke's little sister whenever they visited the hospital, and he was glad to learn that Marie was gradually recuperating.

It was during one of his visits that he discovered that Marie's birthday was coming up. Danny decided to surprise Marie, who was a beautiful sweet girl. He spoke to one of the nurses who helped him secure a meeting with the owner of the hospital, and he was granted permission.

On Marie's birthday, Danny and Luke went to the hospital in their costumes with pink balloons, gifts, and a unicorn themed cake. They walked into her room and Marie cried in excitement. The nurses gathered to wish her a happy birthday, and she sat up, smiling genuinely for the first time in a long time.

Pretty soon the other curious kids had gathered in Marie's room to see the clowns and the party was moved to the cafeteria as the room couldn't contain them. Luke's mother watched her son with pride and her daughter glowing with happiness and excitement as she took pictures and waved at Daniel.

At the end of the day, Luke and Marie fell asleep on Marie's bed, while Daniel and Mrs. Goldman helped themselves to the remaining cake and juice. They discussed their childhood and were busy afterward exchanging contact with the other mothers, who all wanted the services of Danny the clown and his helper the little clown.


Yeehaw! What a heartwarming tale of spreading joy and kindness.

Yes it is, Thank you for stopping by.

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Thank you @theinkwell 😊