Lusmila conditional love - The Ink Well fiction Prompt # 105

in #hive-1707982 years ago

Lusmila, lived with her mother in Ipanema - Rio de Janeiro, worked in a shoe store as a saleswoman, always had a smile on her face, especially when she was serving the public.

One afternoon, when the store was about to close, a young man of 35 appeared asking for a pair of shoes he had seen in the showroom. Lusmila went out to serve the customer, took his details, went up the stairs of the store, looked for the model the customer was asking for and went down to greet him with the product in her hands. When he measured it, he did not like the fit, so he asked for another model, the girl informed him: "that pair of shoes is very expensive, you must pay for it with a credit card".

He answered her with an aggressive and cocky tone of voice: "and you, you think I have no money to pay, I pay that and much more, please, attend to me quickly, I'm late".

The girl replied, with a smile on her face, although feeling the man's pedantry: "thank you, lower your voice and be patient".
She turned around, went back upstairs, fetched the other shoe, went downstairs and handed it to the customer. When the young man went to the cashier to cancel, he took out his Visa and Master Card credit cards, when he swiped the cards through the electronic device, it showed that they had no money, the man with a quarrelsome voice: "how can you tell me that the cards have no money ?". The cashier replied, "I don't say so, the device says so", the man left the store in disgust.

When Lusmila left work, she was very exhausted and headed for the bus stop. As she crossed the street, two cars came out of nowhere, one from the right and one from the left, causing a collision between them, in which Lusmila was trapped and unconscious. A woman came out of one of the affected cars, with an aggressive tone of voice: "you piece of idiot, don't you see that you have taken the wrong street, you will pay for the collision". he, overwhelmed by the accident, did not pay attention to the woman, immediately went to women who had been left unconscious, took her in his arms, realized that she was the saleswoman, with his hand he touched her face, called her "Miss, Miss, open your eyes please".

When women woke up, she realized what had happened to her, the only thing she could do was to cry, the young man told her: "we already know each other, but don't worry, I will call 911 to bring an ambulance", and as he could, he got some things that helped Lusmila. Talking to the lady, with whom he had the collision, he told her: "madam, my name is Pedro Marquez, this is my phone, I am a professional mechanic, call me to arrange the car expenses, but right now, I have to go with lady to the hospital, she is seriously injured". At that moment the ambulance arrived and he went with her to the emergency room of the Samaritan hospital, when the doctor arrived to attend the patient, Pedro explained to him what had happened. The doctor ordered an x-ray and another series of studies, to know the situation of the patient, when the results were obtained the doctor determined "the femur of the left leg has a grade 3 fracture, the blood tests show that she is diabetic, so to improve your life, we must cut your leg, that must be immediately, do not worry because later we can get you a prosthesis" with tears in her eyes she said to Pedro; "my mom, she must be very worried, since I am not used to go out at night" he replied: "don't worry, give me the phone to let her know".

She agreed, he called Mrs. Marta, the young woman's mother, and explained to her what was happening and that her daughter would soon be home. The mother, very dismayed by the news, only had to say "thank you". At 11 o'clock at night they operated on her, the operation was a success, although she was a little sore, Pedro stayed with her and took care of all the medical expenses. When the doctors went to check the patients, they told her: "you are discharged, you can go home" Pedro told her, "wait for me a moment, I will get a cab to take you home" she waited patiently, until it was time to be home, she told her mother: "mom, is gentleman who called you last night", . He took the lady's hand and said goodbye with the usual sign.

Whenever Pedro had a free afternoon, he went to visit Lusmila, bringing her gifts and fruits, while she was in a wheelchair he had borrowed. One afternoon when he left work he went to visit the girl, when he arrived at her house, when he greeted her he kissed her on the mouth, she was stunned and dazzled by that kiss. Her mother seeing the situation asked, "When is the wedding?" The two remained silent until they were alone in the living room. Since that event, Lusmila was very excited, she spent the whole day thinking about what it would be like to form a family with Pedro.

March 3rd was Lusmila's 27th birthday, Pedro showed up with a cake, after singing the birthday song, he approached her and said: "I told my mother about you, she didn't agree with our relationship, so I won't come here anymore " he got up and left.

Pedro spent the days, full of uneasiness, thinking about her and the struggle he had for his mother to accept his great love, he sent text messages to his love but she did not answer, so one fine day he came home, but Mrs. Marta was already forewarned, she told him: "Pedro, Lusmila does not want to see you anymore".

Pedro left disconsolate. He began to work hard, he fixed the car with which he had had the accident, other cars that came as business,with that paid for the prosthesis she needed. On August 28th in the morning Lusmila received a call on her local phone: "Miss Lusmila, Camejo we are talking to you from the Samaritano Hospital, to tell you that here is a prosthesis for you, we need you to be here tomorrow at 8 am" from the impression she hung up the phone and told her mother "we have to get a car to go to the hospital, tomorrow they will put the prosthesis on me". Once the prosthesis was placed, curious, she approached the secretary and asked "who paid for the prosthesis?". The lady answered "Mr. Pedro Marquez" Lusmila wanted to run into his arms and kiss him to exhaustion.

Every day she sent him text messages with nice phrases, now it was him, who did not answer the messages so as not to hurt her feelings. She went back to work at the store, not as a saleswoman, but as a cashier.

This is a fiction story.
Use the deepl translator.
Use Google Docs.
The image is from pixabay.


It’s awfully sad that Lusmila and Pedro failed to connect on an optimal level. Some things are not meant to be!

I enjoyed reading the story ♥️

I liked her story. I admire Lusmila's courage to put on the prosthesis and start working. Peter was a coward for not facing his mother, to realize the illusion he had with that young woman. Have a happy day.

You did good job in the story, but the first man who wanted to buy the pair of shoes had no effect on the story. Some words are not properly placed.

Upon, all, you tried and well-done.