[Eng/Esp/Ita] POWER UP DAY

in #hive-1466202 years ago

Image from @forykw

#HivePUD #HPUD #hivepud #powerupday #HispanicHPUD


Good morning to all my dear friends today as you all know is the big #powerupday !!!
Unfortunately for health reasons I skipped the month of June, but now here I am for the month of July! As you will see I have not been able to put aside many #hive as I have been very absent so today this #Hpud of mine is more symbolic!

I have been registered on hive for almost 6 months now, but lately I have had to slow down a lot my business here ... I hope that now I will be able to resume great! ❤❤❤❤

Thanks as always @hivebuzz for the beautiful badgets, up to now I have only managed to have 3, I show you a photo


From today, however, I will have my fourth wonderful badget !!!
But now we come to us.
On May 1st, I had managed to reach 218 HP.
Now I start from 235 HP and the hives put aside are only 18.
Really very few, I will try to work harder this month, hoping to be able to reach 300 HP for the month of August ....
So guys I have to create more interesting content and above all increase the number of publications!

I would like to thank my wonderful friend @forykw as always for the wonderful prizes he puts out every month!
I love you my gorgeous friend!
But now let's see the practical act of my #HPUD





¡Buenos días a todos mis queridos amigos, hoy como todos saben es el gran #powerupday!
Desafortunadamente, por razones de salud me salté el mes de junio, ¡pero ahora aquí estoy para el mes de julio!
Como vereis no he podido apartar muchas #hive ya que he estado muy ausente asi que hoy este #Hpud mio es mas simbolico!

He estado registrado en Hive durante casi 6 meses, pero últimamente he tenido que ralentizar mucho mi negocio aquí ... ¡Espero que ahora pueda reanudar muy bien! ❤❤❤❤

Como siempre agradezco a @hivebuzz por las hermosas insignias, hasta ahora solo he logrado tener 3, les muestro una foto


¡A partir de hoy, sin embargo, tendré mi cuarta insignia maravillosa! Pero ahora venimos a nosotros.
El 1 de mayo había logrado alcanzar los 218 HP.
Ahora parto de 235 HP y las colmenas apartadas son solo 18. Realmente muy pocos, tratare de trabajar mas duro este mes, esperando poder llegar a los 300 HP para el mes de Agosto....
Así que chicos, ¡tengo que crear más contenido interesante y, sobre todo, aumentar la cantidad de publicaciones!
¡Me gustaría agradecer a mi maravilloso amigo @forykw como siempre por los maravillosos premios que entrega cada mes!
Te amo mi hermoso amigo!
Pero ahora veamos el acto práctico de mi #HPUD





Buongiorno a tutti miei cari amici oggi come tutti ben sapete è il grande #powerupday!!!
Purtroppo per motivi di salute ho saltato il mese di giugno,ma ora eccomi qui per il mese di luglio!
Come vedrete non sono riuscita a mettere da parte molti #hive poiché sono stata molto assente quindi oggi questo mio #Hpud è piuchealtro simbolico!

Ormai sono quasi 6 mesi che sono iscritta su hive, ma ultimamente ho dovuto rallentare di molto la mia attività qui... spero che ora potrò riprendere alla grande! ❤❤❤❤

Ringrazio come sempre @hivebuzz per i bellissimi badget, fino ad oggi sono riuscita ad averne solo 3, vi mostro una foto


Da oggi però avrò il mio quarto meraviglioso badget!!!
Ma ora veniamo a noi.
Il primo di maggio ero riuscita ad arrivare a 218 HP.
Ora parto da 235 HP e gli hive messi da parte sono solamente 18.
Veramente pochissimi, cercherò di impegnarmi di più questo mese, sperando di riuscire ad arrivare a 300 HP per Il mese di Agosto....
Quindi ragazzi devo creare contenuti più interessanti e soprattutto aumentare il numero delle pubblicazioni!
Vorrei ringraziare come sempre il mio meraviglioso amico @forykw per i meravigliosi premi che mette ogni mese!
Ti adoro mio splendido amico!
Ma ora andiamo a vedere l' atto pratico del mio #HPUD





Hey @luba555, here is a little bit of BEER from @forykw for you. Enjoy it!

Do you want to win SOME BEER together with your friends and draw the BEERKING.

thank you my friend you are a real gentleman.
you're wonderful

Sent 0.1 PGM - 0.1 LVL- 1 STARBITS - 0.05 DEC - 15 SBT tokens to @luba555

remaining commands 0


The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-2.5 BUDS-0.01 MOTA-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]

5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!

Discord image.png

Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP

Get potential votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide

I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444

E spingiamo un po' il tuo account, visto che stai tornando a tutti gli effetti, cara @luba555

@tipu curate

Amico mio ma tu sei super fantastico!
Assolutamente hai ragione sono rientrata nel fantastico mondo di hive, può darsi che questa settimana rientrero' anche tra i primi 100, però non ne sono sicura, ma lo spero veramente!
Grazie tesoro mio

Se non è questa settimana, certamente la prossima ce la farai, anche se il periodo in generale, tra il caldo e i mille problemi che abbiamo costantemente, non incentivano di certo un buon grado di interazione...

!LUV 1

Sent 0.1 PGM - 0.1 LVL- 1 STARBITS - 0.05 DEC - 15 SBT tokens to @mad-runner, @luba555

remaining commands 9


The tokens that the command sends are: 0.1 PGM-0.1 LVL-2.5 BUDS-0.01 MOTA-0.05 DEC-15 SBT-1 STARBITS-[0.00000001 BTC (SWAP.BTC) only if you have 2500 PGM in stake or more ]

5000 PGM IN STAKE = 2x rewards!

Discord image.png

Support the curation account @ pgm-curator with a delegation 10 HP - 50 HP - 100 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP

Get potential votes from @ pgm-curator by paying in PGM, here is a guide

I'm a bot, if you want a hand ask @ zottone444

Keep the good work 👍

Grazie di ❤❤❤❤❤❤

You have more badges than me. I only have one :D Good luck to your next power ups and achievements here in hive.

Grazie mio caro amico!
Ti auguro tutto il bene di questo mondo!

218 HP in 6 months seems a lot to me. I didn't even reach 100 HP of my own!...

A Hive user can earn 218 HP in just 7 days if one of their posts with 100% Reward Power Up get upvotes worth about $200 during the voting window. 😆


Ora sono arrivata a 255.
Per dicembre vorrei arrivare a 600.
Piano piano spero di riuscirci

I don't htink it's piano piano if I compare with the progress I'm making.... You'll have tot ell me some of your secrets! !LOL

Why does Snoop Dogg carry around an umbrella.
Fo Drizzle.

Credit: reddit
@luba555, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @svanbo
Use the !LOL or !LOLZ command to share a joke and an $LOLZ

What do htink, tot, and ell mean? 🤯😅


I publish a few posts but I am very interactive on hive ... comment, vote, etc ... this is my secret!

I try to do that as well, but I don't see my account growing like this... Maybe I'd need more patience !CTP

Yes, more patience.....

Well, you can always start scrapping. That will give you lots of content! Congrats on the power up. Every little bit counts.

Hopefully, I am not getting into a fight by drawing too much attention from such a women 😍😎


Thank you for all the support !BEER

Congratulations @luba555! You received a personal badge!

You powered-up at least 10 HIVE on Hive Power Up Day!
Wait until the end of Power Up Day to find out the size of your Power-Bee.
May the Hive Power be with you!

You can view your badges on your board and compare yourself to others in the Ranking

Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:

The 7th edition of the Hive Power Up Month starts today!
Hive Power Up Day - July 1st 2022
NFT for peace - Thank you for your continuous support
Support the HiveBuzz project. Vote for our proposal!

Congratulations @luba555! You received a personal badge!

You powered-up at least 10 HIVE on Hive Power Up Day! This entitles you to a level 1 badge.
Participate in the next Power Up Day and try to power-up more HIVE to get a bigger Power-Bee.
May the Hive Power be with you!

You can view your badges on your board and compare yourself to others in the Ranking

Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:

The 7th edition of the Hive Power Up Month starts today!
Hive Power Up Day - July 1st 2022
NFT for peace - Thank you for your continuous support
Support the HiveBuzz project. Vote for our proposal!