Lucas's new haircut and a fun day away from home with his Kuya.

in #hive-1657572 years ago


Greetings everyone and especially to all motherhood community members,

Hoping that everyone is doing great. Today I want to share how I spend my motherhood journey.

Lately, my son Lucas who is almost 3 years old had played with his brother Carlo (6) a few moments when he was running around I discovered that Lucas hair was cut and so I realised that Carlo did it because he's the one who he plays with and someone forgot to put back the scissors to where it's should be placed in a higher place.


this is what Lucas hair looks like.

And because of that, I decide to bring Lucas to a barbershop to fix his hair today and also because the weather is extremely hot and most of his hair tickles his ears and face already and eventually resulting in some prickly heat to his face and neck.

So in the afternoon since I still have to pick up his brother Carlo from school I decided to bring them both to the shop so they can hang around away from home.

(I don't usually bring them both anywhere when my husband is not around because I'm afraid I cannot look after them carefully because when they're together it would chaos always😌.)


Then we pick up his Kuya Carlo, from the house we walk and most of the time I carry him because he was too lazy to walk and it takes 10 minutes to walk to reach Carlos school. After we pick him up we take the tricycle to reach the market where the barbershop is.


Upon arriving we go straight to the shop and the barber started to entertain Lucas at first I was bothered that maybe we will have a problem doing his haircut because the last time we were here we had a hard time doing his hair but surprisingly since I was holding and talking to him that he shouldn't move so it will finish right away and or else his ears will be cut too. 😆


The session went on softly because he was very cooperative now here's Lucas new look. Good thing we can bring him without worrying in a barbershop or else his papa will do his hair and he will look funny again 🤭.




Usually we take the kids at night time so it's daytime they had fun roaming all around the place.

As a little prize, I took my two boys to a milk tea station and later we went to the park so they can play while waiting for their papa to finish his work and so we can go home together.


standby mode while waiting for papa to come out from work.

This day was so tiring because I've been holding Carlo in the other hand and carrying Lucas most of the time due to his laziness in walking (from the house to school and from the barbershop to the milk tea station to the park and lastly to their papa's workplace they are all walking distance so I decided just to walk them than spending money for fare) but despite that, I never regretted this day it feels good that the things that have been absent in my childhood days with my parents supposedly are what I'm filling to my kids right now. Nothing compares to when I see them enjoy and be happy.

That's all for today guys I hope that most of you spend quality time with your family, especially your kids.

Have a great day everyone!


Yay! 🤗
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