in #hive-153850last year

Hi friends, see you all today, how are you, of course you are all healthy, Amen. It's time for us to look back a bit about the history of our lives and about culture. In modern times like this we really need to preserve our respective cultures that have been designed in such a way by our ancestors in the past. For that I am here at the Festival of Arts and Culture organized by the local government. The times that were invited to take part in this festival were 220 villages in one sub-district. Here we are obliged to exhibit arts and crafts as well we are obliged to show off the culinary delights of each region, which have a variety of colors and tastes. I think festivals like this really need to be held so that the ancestral cultures can flourish we are not forgotten and do not disappear with the passage of time like now, everything is modern. Incidentally at this time college kids from various universities are carrying out activities namely KKN. and this is very appropriate, because the presence of KKN children who are spread throughout the villages really helps the village itself. And KKN children who are involved in it This festival is approximately one thousand two hundred students. And this was also held to coincide with the 16th anniversary of the Pidie Jaya district after division. Alright all my friends I have also prepared some photos for me to display here for all my friends and hope you like them. And let's see.

This is what our Stand looks like among the 220 participating Booths. And here we display a number of culinary delights from our village which are famous for food such as TAPAI and LEMANG, there are those too other foods or culinary items that we display here, such as fried crabs, sponge cakes and many other foods that we offer. We are free to show off whatever is in Where we live. This is the place to showcase all Culinary Culture and Arts. It's very complete here.

After we decorated it perfectly, our stand also, thanks to the help of the KKN children, the stand looked very neat and we also took a photo together as a document left behind or as a memento. Because this event was only held for six days. We are proud of the creativity of our people. All right, friends, let's take a look at the booths next to us,,,,, come on

This is the appearance of the area where this festival is held and its size is very large. And this is a photo that we took on the stand next to us, we asked permission first. They also exhibit crafts or creativity made by local people. They are also very creative and their appearance is also very beautiful. This is truly a people's party.

This picture also shows part of nature conservation or habits in the past where our people only had rowing bicycles. And at that time neither cars nor motorcycles. And it symbolizes a farmer together with his wife going to the fields to plow their fields. And this is all just part of the simulation or just to reminisce about the past.

And this is the main stage of the Arts and Culture Festival, on this stage various activities are held from noon until late at night, all activities take place on this stage is like a typical regional dance and regional songs respectively and various other activities. To the right of the main stage about fifteen meters to the right as well A HEALTH POST was established and several AMBULANCES were also provided.

All right, my good friends, these are just a few photos that I can display in today's activities, I hope you all like them and look forward to my next post, of course more interesting again.
All the pictures above I took myself using my personal smartphone and my closest friends and I use Indonesian with Google translation, if there is an error in pronunciation, I apologize for myself and all my friends. Have a nice activity with HIVE and don't forget to be happy.