1 year of powering up!

in #leofinance2 years ago

It has just occurred to me I have been slowly powering up for the past year, I now have over 1200 hive power! The truth of the matter is I started on steem a long time ago, When in split into hive i was on a bit of a break from crypto and I was unsure of the reasons and sold both tokens!

I sometimes wonder where I would be if i stuck it out from the get go! in a much better place thats for sure.

But I Feel I am back and in it for the long term.

Long may hive flourish!


The truth of the matter is I started on steem a long time ago

Me too. A few months earlier than you. I registered on the Steem blockchain on 2017.05.17. You registered on 2017.07.01.

When in split into hive i was on a bit of a break from crypto and I was unsure of the reasons and sold both tokens!

Probably because of the seemingly uncertain future of the both of the blockchains. I can understand.

But I Feel I am back and in it for the long term.

Me too. By the way, I also took breaks from the Steem/Hive blockchain over the years. Probably many other people too.

Welcome back to the Hive blockchain.

Have a nice day. All the best. Greetings and much love from Hungary.

Thanks I remember your name and image, wow was it that long ago! thats a millennium in crypto land :D

Good to see you back, how is the stack holding up?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Cheers man, its pretty decimated to be honest as I sold up alot and bought a house (or part of one now have a mortgage)

Welcome back, @madstacks. Don't worry, soon, you'll build it all back again.

Cheers hope so!

This is a post that is better suited for Leothreads and not the main blogging section of Leofinance.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Sorry what is leo threads do you have a link?

Welcome back on hive blockchain blogging.
