So Much has been write about the barries that ourselves put in our lives to do the things that we really want to do, or to get the succesfull that we want in our lives, like a study a career, or doing some job, or just be able of overcom the fear able to stop us.
Well, recently i has been know some many stories about real people that actually find his personal sucess, and caned trhow a wall that looked imposible to go down. Last week, i heard a interwiew to a mexican doctor that go forward from his dislexia and a rude chilhood, to become in a remarkable doctor in the procedure of bone marrow transplantation. Now hi is and rewarder oficial of the brithish empaire , and writer to two published book, and a very good violinist.
This is just a story of the a lot of them that i know, and i really cant stop thinking that the most high wall in our lives is put there for ourselves. I trully believe that we can figth whit our fears and demons to have a live that we want, i realise that each one have a personal battle to win us, at least me.
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Always i has been thinking that we dont need someone to stop my to do list, myself can do that very well, but hear, read and know stories like the marvelous Doctor Jose Alejandro Madrigal, make me recover the faith in the path that i have to trought to win my battle. This kind of stories is just a very good reminder.
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While we have this idea clear and loud inside us i guess will be definitly more easy have a healthy live.
This is an idea that wanted to share with you for here
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