Presidential elections - Monomad challenge.

in #hive-1421592 months ago

Today, July 28, voting is taking place for the presidential elections in Venezuela and I obviously went to vote and like any good passionate photographer I also took a couple of photos and I will use this publication to tell you how the day has been so far. now.

I will use this photos as an entry to the #monomad challenge contest.

This elections are very important for Venezuela, never before in the history of the country has there been so much desire among the people to participate so Everyone has come out to vote, each one contributing their grain of sand.

In the country's news, many people could be seen queuing since the night before at the different voting centers.

For my part, I arrived at the voting center exactly at 9 am and there were already many people, the good thing was that the line was already beginning to move forward.

Hoy 28 de julio se estan llevando a cabo las votaciones para las elecciones presidenciales en venezuela y yo por mi parte obviamente fui a votar y como todo buen fotografo apasionado tambien tomé un par de fotos y aprovecharé esta publicacion para contarles como ha sido el dia hasta ahora.

Usaré esta fotos como entrada al concurso #monomad challenge.

Estas elecciones son muy importantes para venezuela, nunca antes en la historia del pais se habia visto tantas ganas de participar en las personas asi que todos han salido a votar, aportando cada uno su granito de arena.

En las noticias del pais se pudieron observar muchisimas personas haciendo colas desde la noche anterior en los distintos centros de votacion.

Yo por mi parte llegué exactamente a las 9 am al centro de votacion y ya habian muchisimas personas, lo bueno era que la cola ya estaba empezando a avanzar.

It took approximately 3 hours from when we arrived at the site until we were able to vote, at that time I had only this GoPro camera with me and I took these two photos to show you what these queues look like from the inside.

Tardé aproximadamente 3 horas desde que llegamos al sitio hasta que pudimos votar, en ese momento tenia conmigo solo esta camara GoPro y tomé estas dos fotos para mostrarles como se ven estas colas desde adentro.

After voting I went home to look for my professional camera to take photos of some of the voting centers because it seems incredible to me the number of people I could see on the street, I dare say that all of Venezuela was voting and the percentage participation is going to be the highest in the entire history of Venezuela.

Despues de votar me fui a mi casa a buscar mi camara profesional para tomar fotos de algunos de los centros de votacion pues me parece increible la cantidad de personas que pude ver en la calle, me atrevo a decir que toda venezuela estaba votando y el porcentaje de participacion va a ser el mas alto en toda la historia de Venezuela.




There were people of all ages voting, from 18 years old to 80 year olds voting, all Venezuela came out to vote!

Habian personas de todas las edades votando, desde los 18 años hasta viejitos de 80 años votando, toda venezuela salio a votar!



Thanks for watching!

Gracias por ver!


Todos tenemos fé de una Venezuela próspera. Las fotos quedaron lindas, lo de las tanquetas es preocupante pero con el favor de Dios no se van a usar y todo va a transcurrir en armonía.

I really, really, really, really hope that the will of the people is followed and the current corrupt government is removed. I don't know all the specifics but I really hope for the sake of all my friends in Venezuela and for democracy around the world that you all find success.

When will people know the results do you think?

in about two hours aproximately

The exit polls show 65% support for the opposition... but obviously we'll have to see what happens. I wish you all the best.

Manually curated by brumest from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!