How Hive Became a Lifeline

in #hive-19768518 days ago



"The only way to do great work is to love what you do".
<< Steve Jobs>>

The story of how I joined Hive is quite interesting, before starting, I was in a stage of my life in which I was financially very tight.

I remember very well that I had financial problems, because I had to pay for a lot of things at home.

Very recently there was the death of a relative, I had a lot of expenses with funeral issues.

I had a lot of savings and I did not find a good enough income, to be able to manitain myself and cover all my expenses.

I remember that I dedicated myself to give computer classes around here on my zone.I instructed people on how to use Microsoft Office, Word and all that,and then in my search for other means to find and generate rewards ,that could help me live, I approached the field of online surveys, and then always by my social network on Facebook, I published that.

I found out about the survey that were very interesting, because they passed me series, videos that were not yet going to come out.

Series pilots that were going to be very interesting,comedies and products. For example on one occasion I found out about a robot that was going to serve as a receptionist in different hotels in the United States and they were doing a survey about that.


Photo by Sara Kurfeß on Unsplash

And well commenting on my social networks about the interesting surveys that I did, a friend of mine named Henderson, informed me that there was a chain of blogs named Hive, where the creation of content was through a micro blogging format and that rewards could be generated through them.

Then I decided to dare to make content there and that's where my whole journey started here at Hive.

I started with another account that was not this one,that I no longer use because I decided to give more life to this account, when my cat died and honor the memory of my cat, and it seemed to me that it was going to be something very beautiful and from there I began to create all my content thanks to this friend Henderson.

I remember very well that at first eight years ago, I began to attend the meetings they did here in my city and I met several Hivers who are very renowned nowadays.

And I was like a year attending the different events and talking to the hivers, making relationships and basically yes it was my entry in Hive.

Then I helped to approach other friends of mine too, who were here for a while in Hive.

They have their accounts but they are now dedicated to making content on YouTube and elsewhere.

And this is my story of how I entered here in Hive.


This is my black cat "manclar", this account is to honor his dead (it happened years ago).



Thumbnail maded on
The text dividers were made by me using aseprite


You have a good track record of work until you get to Hive, and you have been publishing at Hive for eight years, which is proof of your creativity and loyalty to Hive.

My congratulations my friend @manclar

Thank you, you surpass me because you have been practicing treeing for many years, which is an extremely complicated task.

Good morning my friend, I wish this September is good for everyone 😀

Hello friend, September is starting and I think I'm back on my feet. I also wish you a great month. I'm sure it is.

A hug @manclar

Well, I'm pleased to read that, that you are back on your roots again, I hope you get stronger, I worry coño! 😱.


💪 está semana hablamos un rato si te apetece. 😎

Esta bien, hay cosas que contar, mañana luego de que haga el post comeflor de mañana, que creo es acerca de la procastinacion...ya te estaré avisando a ver si te apetece y puedes.


I always wondered why you have your profile picture, a very nice story :) it's nice to remember them.

My profile is for my cat, at the bottom of each post I mention something.


This is one of those things that I thought would be born dead. I thought the same thing about Twitter. As you can see, I'm very good at predicting the future... 😝

hahaha of course yes, what happens is that the red dwarves are specialists in predicting the future! I wish poor Antonio had that same ability to know what chromes are in the envelopes before opening them! =)

Someday we will tell the story of how cryptocurrencies came to mean in the economy of Venezuelans in time of crisis the biggest lifesaver we know, in the absence of remittances from relatives abroad was a great help as it depended more on ourselves than external agents. good content friend @manclar.

Algún día contaremos la historia de como las criptomonedas vinieron a significar en la economía de los venezolanos en tiempo de crisis el salvavidas más grande que conocemos, en ausencia de las remesas de familiares en el exterior fue un gran ayuda ya que dependía más de nosotros mismos que de agentes externos. buen contenido amigo @manclar.

hive  (8).gif

Without a doubt, not only cryptocurrencies, I think the great savior of all has been working remotely, and the possibility of earning income that way, the truth is that it has changed the game a lot my dear.

Thank you very much for the visit, always present supporting.