My strategies for Global Recognition of Hive

in #hive-1976854 days ago



"Influence is not about popularity; it's about inspiring change."

How nice would it be if our blockchain was recognized worldwide and used everywhere and in this way the price of our token was shot up to very high heights, right?

To do this, I have a series of ideas that I want to share with you. First, I think we have to focus on or demonstrate to all people the benefits that are unique and exclusive to Hive.

First, decentralization and community. Show other people that Hive is a platform where there is governance established by consensus, by a community of people, right? That they do everything in a decentralized way because there is no leader in charge of all this, but by doing a kind of survey or asking the entire community, decisions are made and things are done.

Also focus on or emphasize that we at Hive do not have commission fees for transactions, that is, we can make any type of transfer or transaction without having additional commissions or additional costs, which makes a big difference in relation to other blockchains.

Highlighting the aspect of speed and scalability of these transactions because a transaction in Hive is done in a matter of seconds, which is an advantage if we take into account the possibility of paying with our crypto in different stores and in different locations worldwide, that you buy or pay for your services and your food using Hive and that the transaction is done in just seconds and without commissions.

And finally, and no less important, highlighting the number and variety of applications that are available.

For example, we can highlight the use of Distriator, which is an application that reimburses you or gives you a cashback of a certain amount of Hive depending on the number of times you have used this application, which offers us a great discount on our purchases because as we use the application more we will get more discounts.

Capture of Peakd feed from my pc

This would be the first point to emphasize the benefits that Hive has.

Then, I think it is very important to create educational content, be it guides and tutorials so that new users who approach Hive know how to create content, know how to make videos, know how to put labels, know how to use the HTML and Markdown guides to place images, and all the things that allow you to structure and make a good publication here on Hive.

Also, of course (I know there are some), but the idea is to have a large number of informative articles where we talk about what the blockchain is and explain the basic concepts of blockchains, the way in which they are applied here in Hive.

We have to create many articles about this, promoting this and videos, maybe they can be shorts, that present all the benefits that Hive has in a visual way, that this has also been done and is being done, but it has to continue being done. This is an idea that allows us to promote Hive in a good way.

Another very important point is to encourage and promote the participation of the entire community through challenges, through content creation contests, through the development of applications, the creation of logos that allow for the incentive of participation.

Create events that are held online such as conferences, virtual debates that can be held weekly, things that allow for the integration of all the people who make life in Hive and promote online life, virtual life in this blockchain.

Another thing I want to highlight is to do collaborations with influencers or important content creators, in which they dedicate themselves to making reviews or reviews about Hive.

Let them test how the content is made here, what the interaction is like and show this on their different social networks.

Capture of Peakd feed from my pc

This is a good way to promote Hive as well and they could even show the stories of users who have participated here and who have been successful, people who have started from scratch and who have accounts with good influence and a good number of followers.

These influencers could showcase these success stories and showcase interesting projects or interesting applications, as I mentioned earlier, that have been built on Hive. We have many cases of them like Splinterland or the different games that have been created and that exist like Rising Star, which is one of the great success stories of Hive, like Block Horse Racing and all these projects that are currently on Hive.

This is another way to promote it.

It is very important that the people who are leaders and who participate more in these events are the ones who attend conferences, because the presence of all of them and also of the common Hive user at events that are related to blockchain, allow to spread more knowledge of the chain and of the benefits it offers.

This is an important part and also interacting with professionals from the different blockchains allows you to establish relationships, meet people and precisely bring them to know all the benefits it offers, and start working with synergy and with associations that can be created with other blockchains.

I think this strengthens and drives Hive.

Basically these are the main ideas that can help boost Hive and I know that many of them are doing it, but many more are needed and many more people should participate, there should be more incentive programs to do these things and be able to bring Hive to communities or people who don't know about all these benefits and all this great generosity that they can get through Hive, whose most important value for me is the human side that it offers, the quality of the people that are here and above all the interesting content because here we can find: from a poem to a person who teaches you how to install a witness node, or how to repair a broken glass in your vehicle, to cite one of the many examples of the things that can be seen here on this beautiful platform.


This is my black cat "manclar", this account is to honor his dead (it happened years ago).



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This time I will be brief, I think the post is full of initiatives, that after reading it I can't help but agree. You know, and we have talked about it sometime that we are concerned about this moment in Hive.

A very big 🤗 hug @manclar.

And there are more things that I can only talk to you in private, some matters that make your hair stand on end, but hey, each head is a world I think...

Thank you very much for going through these dark sides of hive (I mean my profile), where not even spiders want to enter! 😀

Sorry, spiders do walk around here 🕸️,

I'm off to soccer ⚽ 😁.

On Monday a friend arrives from Lima and leaves on Tuesday. Let's see if we can have a chat....



Oh I see, you're a hooligan! Well, that's a good thing.

We can talk whenever you want, there is no rush, I can't tell you anything here because I have people watching every step I take, you know, the data miners who watch everything I do!

When you're free, enjoy your friend's coño! :D

J . o. d. e. r. !




Well, well, let's enjoy the game. What a beauty of a stadium!, how I love the first world, damn lucky for me to have been born in this filthy Latin America.

I hope you enjoy the game very much, I perceive the atmosphere to be very orderly, very organized, everything as it should be.

I like it!

Es una labor titánica, pero bien merece la pena.
Hive es una red que tiene muchas opciones de participación y sería genial que mas y mas personas la conozcan y disfruten


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Hello my dear @alicia2022 (the sexiest and most sensual voice in hive) 😀

Certainly, there are many options not only for participation, but also apps and investment methods, which are unknown to many people. Hopefully, in the medium or short term future, we will receive a lot of onboarding from people interacting in the ecosystem, because it is needed.


hahahahaha you made me smile Manclar.... thanks for the compliment.

Certainly there is a lot of hive that is not known... I'm dabbling little by little. Hopefully, as you say, many people will enter the ecosystem. Let's hope so. Best regards


Interesting you are right hive needs more exposure and we need to share the positive points of the hive and start promoting it. thanks, good luck.

Thank you, I think that if the things I mention in my post are promoted, things will turn out better. And by educating people, they will surely find it attractive.

Promote interaction between communities too, there I contribute my grain of sand @bhattg .


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$PIZZA slices delivered:
manclar tipped alicia2022
manclar tipped bhattg
@alicia2022(1/15) tipped @manclar

You could write a post for every interesting app on Hive. I think it would be worth reading for a lot of people.

Yes, maybe, but it requires too much work, and the work-reward relationship does not favor me (I already know precisely what to write and what not to write around here, my friend).

These publications follow an order, they are determined by specific topics, what happens is that you don't know the whole thing, but everything is already planned (I wasn't the one who did it, that's up to the community to decide), and in this case, it has We touched on the topic about "how to promote hive", and well, this is what came out.

Actually I can write 100 kilometers, and make a 1 hour video about hive, but aha, for what?, and i will receive a $1 to 3 dollar reward, so is a big "no" for me, my friend, I don't do it.

I explain this to you so that you more or less understand how things are going .

Admiro tu constancia @manclar 🤗, espero contagiarme, aunque es mi estado de ánimo, problemas personales y toda la situación país que han influido notablemente en mi desaparición de todos lados 😂😂, estoy segura de que debes sentirte igual, es sentimiento nacional... y más con todo lo nuevo que hay... no diré más que me pongo de peor humor 🤣. Ahora, en serio, muy bueno tu post y con excelentes ideas de promoción para Hive, lástima que no veo la iniciativa de los que tienen influencia en la plataforma para llevarlo a cabo, creo que falta más organización o sucede algo de fondo, lo noto desde hace tiempo, pero no sé si con cosas mías. De todos modos, hay elementos que desconozco todavía de Hive, por ejemplo, eso que dijiste de todas las demás apps y de las distintas maneras de invertir. Saludos, perdón si me extendí.

It is difficult, very difficult, there are a large number of factors involved, believe me, I understand you perfectly, each thing that comes together is one more grain of sand, which contributes to people isolating themselves, and I understand that. Smile, it's the best thing you can do, and the only thing you have on hand for free.

Regarding hive, someday we spoke via voice over discord or telegram, and we exchanged ideas, here, I'm not going to tell you anything, but yes, there are many things that are not aired by publishing on the blockchain.

There are hundreds of hive apps and things that you don't know about, many opportunities that are still out there, hidden from everyone's sight, because almost no one uses them, only those who are really interested in trying them...and there are many things.

Don't worry, you can expand as much as you want, I also like to write, and coming from you, let me tell you that I enjoy it very well,

I'll contact you via discord, so we can talk, let me know when and we'll talk via voice for a while (I'm too lazy to write to tell you everything, talking is faster).