Preparing Our Children for Life: Beyond Immediate Satisfaction

in #hive-1538508 days ago


Merit and effort are the true values ​​that we must instill in the new generations.

This is a publication based on the suggested topic proposed in the Hive Learners community through their discord, which on this occasion is "The Useless Apps".


"There are no shortcuts to get to the places that are worth it."
<< Beverly Sills >>

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Nowadays, with this society in which technology has marked a trend to make our lives easier, people (especially young people) are used to receiving dopamine releases and immediate satisfaction through short videos on TikTok, in Facebook, YouTube and other social networks where they watch a 15-second video and laugh or get satisfaction, that dopamine release that trains their brain to feel immediately receiving a reward for something.

In this sense, these generations, these young people are used to being given a reward immediately and this, in my point of view, means that they are not prepared to face the challenges of hard work.

Since ancient times, people have cultivated and plowed the fields and it is clear that sowing a seed requires attention, watering it, preparing the land, fertilizing the land, taking care of the growth of the plant and eliminating the different pests that can occur. confront them or they may try to damage the plant.

It must be attended to and all this takes a process of months, sometimes years depending on the type of tree, such as cocoa trees that take 20 years to bear fruit.

Imagine, it is not a dopamine release and the cocoa tree will bear fruit after 15 seconds, NO! There is a whole process and young people today are used to not going through that process, and in that meaning is my publication this day.

I think it is important that we prepare our children for life.

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I do not have children, but I have had to educate young people and children of different ages, from one year old to young people who are 17 or 16 years old who are already studying and preparing to enter university.

I think the important thing, as a former mother-in-law of mine told me, is to prepare her children for life. She always told me that her daughter, who was my partner at that time, had been prepared to face life for her, that she did not focus on making life easier for my partner, but instead focused on preparing her to face all the challenges that life was going to put before him.

In this way, she could overcome each of the obstacles because she had the necessary tools to be able to know how to face a difficult situation, to be able to know how to administer and manage her resources and finances in a time of crisis, to be able to know what undertaking or what steps to take to push yourself into a new adventure and implement a new plan, to have the knowledge and skill, the intelligence necessary to save a certain part of each of the profits or rewards that you received daily for the different tasks you did. ,a and was always in charge of promoting and seeking to grow our relationship as a couple.

Not only with love, but part of that love he also showed me, pushing and motivating me to do new ventures, to build, and always thinking that if one day we were going to have children, these children were going to have a solid foundation, especially moral and educational, but not so that we would make their lives easier by solving their problems, nor by leaving or abandoning them alone so that they could face the problems, but simply by being there as a support and giving them suggestions so that they can solve those problems. challenges they face.

This is basically because during my life I had the absence of a father figure to accompany me in those difficult moments, when I faced each of the challenges.

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Yes, I know that they have to solve them on their own, but it is very different to solve a challenge or face it knowing that you have the support of your loved one by your side, that they will be there to support you, that they will not help you. abandon, that maybe it won't help you solve it, but that if you fall, he will give you his hand to get up, and that you will not be alone, that you will always feel accompanied.

I did not receive that from my father, and it is for that reason that I see this as not leaving children who are going to face these types of challenges abandoned and alone.

I think it's not about making life easier for children, but rather it's about making it easier for them to face life's challenges.

I think that this option is the best for them, because in this way I am creating human beings who will have enough ability to create a better world, to know how to educate future generations who are more prepared, who have better skills. to overcome all these challenges.

Let's have a race of intelligent people and not stupid people who dedicate themselves to watching TikToks and obtaining or wanting to obtain rewards immediately, because if there is something that is valued in this world, it is the merit and effort for their work.

Say no to stupidity.

This is my black cat "manclar", this account is to honor his dead (it happened years ago).



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Tienes mucha razón @manclar , educar para la vida, y que todo tiene su esfuerzo

May the children have the tools to know how to take care of themselves when their parents are not there!


Exactly, it is ideal

I think it's not about making life easier for children, but rather it's about making it easier for them to face life's challenges.

Nor can I agree more. Best regards, no hug, my friend @manclar.

Ah, that's very good, today I am satisfied and very happy, because there are no hugs, but instead there are a lot of trees, strong, tall and abundant 🤣

The 15-second generation. Fathers need to adapt to the new generation and apply this to them. 15-second life lessons. 15-second chores. 15-second rewards. More than 15 seconds and they can lose all their brain capacity to participate 😶

Then pause for a few seconds and repeat another 15-second thing. They can eat a hundred 15-second videos in one session, so they should be able to do several 15-second learning tasks with about a 2-second break in between...
I don't have children. Bless them for not having me as a father or they should hate me more than their teachers 😂

Well, look, I very much agree with what you say. May they obtain the proportion of their effort.

The problem with that is that in a very short time we are going to have a 15-second planet too, and in 15 seconds we are going to become extinct.

Which of course is going to give me 15 seconds of intense pleasure! 💕

I don't have children. Bless them for not having me as a father or they should hate me more than their teachers 😂

Neither do I have them (nor do I want to, it seems like a crime to bring a 15-second life to this planet)

I think it's not about making life easier for children, but rather it's about making it easier for them to face life's challenges.

I totally agree with this statement. I do not totally agree with making life easy for the kids. I believe that they should be given a level of difficulty, and be guided through the path to take in other to overcome that difficult.

I have always believed that despite having financial solvency, you must raise and educate your children with some effort and sweat.

I have several children and I have instilled in all of them the idea of working and Effort as a means of obtaining things from an early age.

The youngest one at home now curvy bought his own computer with a little financial help from me but basically he bought it at 11 years old.

In the same way I have raised girls, the generation of women of today have to know and learn to be more independent than before in order to be able to claim the equality that So much is said in today's culture.

I completely agree with you, my friend Manclar.

It is very good that children learn the value of earning things with their efforts and managing their money, because this way they obtain tools to fend for themselves in life, so we have useful, functional people, prepared for life, my dear Green.

I hope all parents follow your example, being responsible and educating for life is the key to a better world.

If we all aim for the same thing, we will live better, surely!



$PIZZA slices delivered:
manclar tipped gr33nm4ster
@manclar(2/5) tipped @cositav

They just need to be aware that nothing good comes easy. They need to face some difficulties and go through challenges before they can go far and become whatever it is they wish to become.

Yes, it is an educational task, if parents do not prepare him for life, he will not know how to defend himself. But it is necessary for parents to educate them in learning to use the tools they are going to use to face difficulties, and to accompany them while they face them, but not to solve the problems for them. That makes the difference.