Science vs. Conspiracy: An Eternal Debate

in #hive-153850yesterday


The truth is stranger than fiction.

This is a publication based on the suggested topic proposed in the Hive Learners community through their discord, which on this occasion is "Just Another Conspiracy Theory".


"Conspiracy is the theory of those who have no theory".
<< Umberto Eco >>

Image from Gerd Altmann on Pixabay

Talking about conspirative theories is an extremely interesting topic and, in addition, it is something that I find very funny, because seeing how human beings distort or change a reality to be able to deceive, for their political purposes, or simply for entertainment purposes, always It is something that is very entertaining.

Seeing the creative capacity of that human mind in transforming things in this topic, as it is a topic that has very particular questions, it is difficult for me to be able to answer them because the amount of things that there are is so varied, that it is difficult for me being able to select between illuminati, the pyramids of Egypt and any other number of cooperative theories that exist at the moment.

So I'm going to keep it as brief as possible and highlight several of the ones that seem most interesting to me.

Talking about one of the greatest achievements of humanity, such as the Apollo 11 moon landing when it reached the moon, it seems very entertaining to me and I have always believed that man has reached the moon.

But some time later they came out with a conspiracy theory that the entire moon landing was filmed in a television studio, including showing a documentary how gravity could be simulated and man setting foot on the moon for the first time.

It's quite funny because we know that there is a large amount of scientific evidence, there are thousands and thousands of very high resolution photographs that have shown that Apollo 11 landed on the moon.

There are images from satellites, probes and exploratory drones that have been sent to the moon that have brought back scientific evidence of lunar soil and scientists here have studied that lunar soil and lunar rocks.


Photo from

In addition to that, there are also meteorites and fragments of space rocks that have come from the moon and other places.

So this theory has been completely dismantled and it is not that I have believed in this conspiracy theory, but it does catch my attention and it is very funny to believe that the moon does not exist, when it is something that we see from the earth.

Can you just imagine how crazy it is to think that there is a screen placed over the sky to deceive all human beings? Why should someone do that? With what intentions?

This is just as fun as the theory that the earth is flat.

There are people who believe that the earth ends at the horizon and that from there there is like a void, like a waterfall that is falling. Obviously, the scientific evidence proving that this is not the case is overwhelming.

There are satellite photographs that show that the earth is not flat. In addition to this, people travel around the world, so this evidently shows that the earth is not flat, that the earth is round and the scientific evidence is there available to all people.

Even more so today, with all the globalization and the internet, we can verify all this more.


Photo from

These theories can be very dangerous for society because, on the one hand, spreading these conspiracy theories causes an erosion of trust in all scientific institutions, the media, and government institutions.

So, by losing trust in institutions, scientists and governments, this causes great social damage and generates anarchy.

Also, by generating these social erosions, they make cooperation between people difficult, create conflict and it is very difficult to establish dialogue.

Some theories, such as COVID theories, can cause people in an anxiety attack to seek further medical attention or seek vaccinations believing that they are really sick or have a virus or are going to die.

They endanger their own lives by taking vaccines that they do not really need because it is very likely that the person is not sick, that they are healthy, and they also endanger public health and public institutions by collapsing health systems flooded with people. who are paranoid and believe they are sick.

These conspiracy theories can be a risk and can be very dangerous for societies.


This is my black cat "manclar", this account is to honor his dead (it happened years ago).



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The moon doesn't exist, the earth is flat, did anyone remember the lost city of Atlantis?

There are several theories and we hope to discover many others that are more regional! Here in Brazil we have our own E.T. for example! His name is "E.T. Bilu".


Yes, there are many memes about these things, and the theories are very interesting!

Atlantis, the city under water, a classic!

I'm going to check out E.T. Bilu, he makes me very funny! 😀


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Bien lo dijiste: un debate eterno!!!


y ademas super interesante my friend, yo me he instalado a hablar de esto por horas.

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hola, hace poco hablaba con mi mama del tema de la luna, me parece fantástico que el hombre haya llegado a la luna cuando ni siquiera existían los celulares, muchos dicen que como fue posible llegar a la luna con tan poca tecnología. bueno yo no se qué pensar

Bueno hay pruebas de que si ha llegado, normalmente los gobiernos te ocultan sus planes, sus tecnologias y proyecto, es casi seguro que hoy en dia, hay tecnologia mucha mas avanzada que la que ellos nos permiten conocer, lo mismo paso en esos años mi querida @angeluxx . Aunque es razonable y tienes un punto muy interesante, me gustaría saber que te respondió tu mama sobre lo que le dijiste 😀

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The problem is denial and also use their own opinion as basis for science.

It's true, it's quite common for people with "Procrustes syndrome" to be the ones who go against things. More so with today's globalization. Maybe education is the solution to avoid it? I'm not sure, I have my doubts!

Well i had this brainstorm before and I am not sure about it hehhee! But social media got that worse for sure.

Social networks, especially those that have short videos (tik tok, youtube, etc.) eat people's brains. The dopamine releases, the pleasure of getting a laugh or information in seconds, the immediacy! That creates stupid people, incapable of questioning things, and of believing any conspiracy theory, without questioning things. More intelligent thinking the world needs.

This is a great topic to discuss, maybe on a hangout? (if you haven't already)

Hi @manclar, very sensible everything you have stated. About the trip to the Moon the only consistent proof about the arrival that I contemplate is the fact that the Soviet Union gave as good the landing on the Moon.

What shocks me is the subject matter, since on the one hand the term "conspiracy theory" is used too often to censure, and on the other hand the world of science is full of conspiracies, i.e. agreements between parties to harm others. Here is the link to the latest evidence of a government conspiracy against its citizens: link


Now, I didn't want to talk about the pandemic because I'm sure you were going to bother talking about it, and the truth is I don't feel like talking about conspiracies, because for those, I already have enough that I live I played this topic like that in a very general way. I actually don't feel like delving into any topic here on hive, because I'm tired, very tired, and among other things that have happened in my life, I started a curation project on next October 5 (I broke the news today on discord) like main curator of a project. We'll talk about that, I don't know when because I don't have the head for much right now...difficult days, lawyers, and shit...

What you say about conspiracies is true, in life there is a little bit of everything, sorry for the briefness, but I don't feel well.

A hug.

!DUO and a hug

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Árbol joder! 😀

First, congratulations for this new assignment at Hive, I wish you the best.

About conspiracies, no need to go to COVID, conspiracies science is the norm. And there is no need for illuminati, greed is enough.

Two examples:

The last 20 years of alzheimer's research is a fraud. Link

And here is another example of how "science" works, Link

And all this is public. Which brings us to another kind of secret deals, how to make the truth not known even though it is published.

Best regards and good luck with the new responsibility.

Gracias, menos tiempo libre y una tarea mas sumada a la lista.

La ambición es la que lleva a la gente a hacer las cosas, la misma que te mueve a ti a buscarme la lengua en este tema 😀

que si, que se te gusta el tema, pero yo no quiero hablar sobre esto, que es muy largo y mi mente en estos días no esta para tratar temas profundos, soy como un pájaro, canta y ya esta (estos días ando así, descerebrado total).






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El hombre nunca llego a la luna, Las pirámides, la Antártida , las sectas, la tierra es plana, todos esos son temas muy interesantes y que en lo personal siempre me gusta hablarlo y siempre investigo un poco y veo como cada quien saca sus teorías y conclusiones algunas muy locas y otras muy interesantes hermano manclar.
Muy bueno este post.

Yes, they are some tricky topics, to start talking for a long time, the truth is that I touch on them like this because I know all the trouble that these bring, and I don't really like to start arguing about it, but rather express my opinion.

Tienes mucha razón como influyen las campañas en la salud, yo nunca me quise vacunar contra el COVID solo tome plantas, y lo de la tierra plana es incleible

They do a lot of damage, I had to get vaccinated because the businesses around here only let you enter the establishment if you had proof that you had been vaccinated, otherwise you couldn't go to buy food.