we had fun in the creek (EN/ES)

in #hive-1470102 years ago






On the weekend, in the midst of the busyness of returning to work and academic activities, we took a break to go for a walk to a nearby farm where my boyfriend's uncle lives.

As we know that a creek runs through there, we immediately packed our clothes so that we could bathe and change there.

Our little nephew was very excited. He loves to watch the farm animals, such as chickens, pigs, cows and sheep and, of course, he loves to get in the water. I was just as excited as he was. And, it's just that every time I go to the countryside I feel refreshed, interacting with nature is my best therapy. It takes me back to the best time of my life: childhood. I even think it's good to keep that energy inside and bring it out often. Maybe that's why I felt so much at ease playing in the water with the little ones: our nephew and a cousin of his.

Along the way, I took the opportunity to record some videos of the landscape. The green meadow, the cattle surrounded by white herons, the colorful trinitarias ornamenting the entrance of some plot and the beautiful clouds that contrasted. That and much more made the short trip more attractive.

We made a stop on the road. They showed me a mountain in the distance where there is supposedly a hidden lagoon. They say that if one day this lagoon were to overflow it would wipe out the town of Santa Ana.


Arriving at a bodega, before taking the crossroads that leads to the sector called La Cucurí, we began the walk, because the road conditions prevent us from going up in vehicles other than four-wheel drive. The road is very deteriorated.


It was about 20 minutes of walking, I think, maybe less. On the way I was watching the presence of wild flowers which I photographed as soon as I could. Before starting the slope in a wooded place that protects the passage of the creek there is a very nice pedestrian bridge. It is about 15 meters long, I estimate. So, we decided to shoot video while walking across it.

Then, I told my boyfriend to take a couple of pictures. We quite enjoyed the moment. Meanwhile, our companions had continued walking and we had already lost sight of them.


We started running uphill. When we reached the bend in the road we could see that they were waiting for us. It was very comical because we were betting on whoever would get there first and, meanwhile, my mother-in-law was recording us with her phone. Guess who won the race 🤣.


We continued our walk. It wasn't long now. About 15 meters before reaching the house you have to cross the creek. To make it you need to get into the water or walk across a log about 5 or 7 meters long. Everyone crossed over the log and I confess that I was afraid to walk over it. I could see how it moved as the others walked, I felt that at any moment I could fall. I did not dare. As I was the last one, I did not hesitate to turn around and go down to the level of the creek. I took off my shoes, waited a bit and crossed, being careful not to hurt myself on the stones or step on any that were slippery because of the humidity.

We arrived at the house and stayed there for a while. The children invited me to play dominoes. We had fun and they beat me. Every now and then they asked when we would go to the creek. So, soon we did.


The water was very cold, it looked like ice water. It took courage to go in and as soon as we did we didn't want to get out. At first, my nephew was afraid to go in. He often repeated that he didn't know how to swim. The truth was that the deepest point of the creek was barely waist deep. So, he quickly gained confidence as his cousin taught him how to float.

We played by throwing water at each other. We competed to see who could hold their breath the longest underwater. And so we played along with whatever ideas they had in mind. They took videos and photos to record the moment. The kids were very happy to have me share with them and I was happy to enjoy their witticisms and company.

Hours later, back home, we all had the satisfaction of having had a great day. I took the opportunity to photograph the sunset.



Thanks for reading and for your support. I'll be watching for your comment.


Nos divertimos en el riachuelo





El fin de semana, en medio de las ocupaciones por haber regresado a las actividades laborales y académicas, hicimos un paréntesis para ir de paseo a una finca cercana donde habita un tío de mi novio.

Como sabemos que por allí pasa una quebrada o riachuelo, alistamos de inmediato la ropa que llevaríamos para poder bañarnos y cambiarnos allí.

Nuestro sobrinito estaba muy emocionado. A él le encanta observar los animales de granja, como gallinas, cerdos, vacas y ovejas y, por supuesto, le encanta meterse al agua. Yo estaba tan emocionada como el. Y, es que cada vez que voy al campo me siento renovada, interactuar con la naturaleza es mi mejor terapia. Me lleva de vuelta a la mejor etapa de mi vida: la niñez. Incluso, considero que es bueno mantener esa energía en nuestro interior y exteriorizarla a menudo. Quizá por ello, me sentí tan a gusto jugando en el agua con los pequeños: nuestro sobrino y una prima suya.

Por el camino, aproveché de grabar algunos videos del paisaje. La pradera verde, el ganado rodeado de blancas garzas, las coloridas trinitarias que ornan la entrada de alguna parcela y las hermosas nubes que contrastaban. Eso y mucho más hacían más atractivo el corto viaje.

Hicimos una parada en la carretera. Me mostraron a lo lejos una montaña en la cual supuestamente hay una laguna escondida. Cuentan que si algún día esa laguna se llegara a desbordar causaría una tragedia a la población de Santa Ana.


Al llegar a una bodega, antes de tomar el cruce que lleva al sector denominado La Cucurí, emprendimos la caminata, pues las condiciones de la carretera impiden subir en vehículos que no sean doble tracción. La vía está muy deteriorada.


Fueron unos 20 minutos de caminata, creo yo, quizá menos. En el camino iba mirando la presencia de florecillas silvestres las cuales fotografiaba apenas podía. Antes de iniciar la cuesta en un lugar boscoso que resguarda el paso de la quebrada hay un puente peatonal muy bonito. Mide unos 15 metros, según calculo. Así que, decidimos grabar video mientras caminábamos a través de este.

Luego, le dije a mi novio que nos tomáramos un par de fotografías. Disfrutamos bastante el momento. Mientras tanto, nuestros acompañantes habían continuado caminando y ya los habíamos perdido de vista.


Empezamos a correr cuesta arriba. Al llegar a la curva de la carretera pudimos ver que nos estaban esperando. Fue muy cómico porque nosotros apostábamos al que llegara primero y, en tanto, mi suegra nos grababa con su teléfono. Adivinen quién ganó la carrera 🤣


Continuamos la caminata. Ya faltaba poco. Unos 15 metros antes de llegar a la casa hay que cruzar el riachuelo. Para lograrlo es necesario meterse al agua o caminar a través de un tronco de unos 5 o 7 metros de longitud. Todos cruzaron sobre el tronco y confieso que me causó miedo caminar sobre el. Veía como al paso de los demás se movía, sentía que en cualquier momento podría caer. No me atreví. Como me había quedado de última no dudé en dar media vuelta y bajar al nivel del riachuelo. Me quité los zapatos, esperé un poco y crucé con cuidado de no lastimarme con las piedras o de pisar alguna que estuviera resbalosa por la humedad.

Llegamos a la casa y allí estuvimos un buen rato. Los niños me invitaron a jugar dominó. Nos divertimos y me ganaron. A cada rato preguntaban a que hora iríamos a la quebrada. Asi que, pronto lo hicimos.


El agua estaba muy fría, parecía agua helada. Había que tener valor para entrar y tan pronto lo hicimos ya no queríamos salir. Al principio, a mi sobrino le daba miedo entrar. A menudo repetía que no sabía nadar. Lo cierto era que el punto más profundo de la quebrada apenas le llegaba a la cintura. Así que, rápido ganó confianza mientras su prima le enseñaba como flotar.

Jugamos lanzando agua unos contra otros. Competimos para ver quién aguantaba durante más tiempo la respiración bajo el agua. Y así seguíamos el juego con cualquier idea que tenían en mente. Nos tomaron videos y fotos para registrar ese momento. Los niños estaban muy contentos de que compartiera con ellos y yo de disfrutar de sus ocurrencias y compañía.

Horas después, de regreso a casa, todos teníamos la satisfacción de haber tenido un grandioso día. Yo aproveché de fotografíar el atardecer.


Un saludo para ti, gracias por la lectura y apoyo. Estaré atenta a tu comentario.

Texto original en español // Original text in Spanish
Traducido al inglés con Deepl // Translated to English with Deepl
Fotografías: fuente propia // Photography: source own
Edición de fotografías: Snapseed // Photo editing: Snapseed

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Hello @mariavargas
Super moment in a creek !
I think it was kool !
Have you seen some trash leaving on the ground in nature ?
Do you know you can be rewarded for a good deed removing trash from the soil ?
Have you ear about @cleanplanet ?

Feel free to join the army against pollution
See you soon !

Best regards... thanks for visiting my post.
Great proposal

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