Cine TV Contest: Salvar al soldado Ryan / Saving Private Ryan [ESP-ENG]

in #hive-1217445 months ago

Buenas tardes, por acá les comparto mi entrada para esta semana de películas, para esta ocasión el tema fue "película favorita de Steven Spielberg". Para ello decidí retomar un clásico que había llegado a ver "de a trozos", pues para cuando encendía la televisión, ya iba bastante adelantada. No obstante, pude verla de 0 y definitivamente, fue una decisión increíble, es una película que me irradió de una serie de emociones fuertes, incluso llegue a derramar algunas lagrimas.

Good afternoon, here I share with you my entry for this week of movies, for this occasion the theme was “Steven Spielberg's favorite movie”. For this I decided to retake a classic that I had come to see “in bits and pieces”, because by the time I turned on the TV, it was already quite advanced. However, I was able to watch it from 0 and it was definitely an incredible decision, it is a film that irradiated me with a series of strong emotions, I even shed some tears.




Película dirigida por Stephen Spielberg, se estrenó el 24 de julio de 1998, obtiene el premio Óscar al mejor director, el guion estuvo bajo la responsabilidad de Robert Rodat, una película netamente bélica. Cuenta con un reparto de alto nivel como son: Tom Sizemore, Ted Dason, Vin Diesel, Max Martini, por nombrar algunos, bien coordinados en su actuación.

Después del desembarco de los Aliados en Normandía, fueron asignados ocho soldados con la única misión de rescatar de la guerra al soldado James Ryan, dirigidos por el capitán John Miller interpretado magistralmente por Tom Hanks ; estos deben arriesgar sus vidas para mantenerlo vivo ,porque todos sus hermanos habían muerto en la guerra.

En un acto de consideración y principios éticos, por una madre que había perdido a sus hijos en acción. Una de las escenas más impactantes para mí, fue cuando mataron al soldado más joven e inexperto del grupo, donde el capitán dejo libre al que lo asesino, por ser un prisionero de guerra, porque no podían llevarlo por el tipo de misión que les ocupaba y luego se alejó del grupo en un momento de profundo sentimiento por el soldado, sus principios encontrados que lo llevaron a llorar dolorosamente.

Al final de la película vemos al soldado Ryan, entrado en años con su familia visitando el cementerio dedicado a todos los soldados caídos, rindiéndole homenaje al capitán John Miller, recordando las últimas palabras de este, en un momento emotivo que sin duda alguna manifiesta la profundidad de los conflictos que quedan después de una guerra , en su caso el desafío de vivir de tal manera que fuera digno de aquel que junto con el grupo asignado dieron su vida para preservar la suya en la guerra.


Film directed by Stephen Spielberg, was released on July 24, 1998, won the Oscar for best director, the screenplay was under the responsibility of Robert Rodat, a purely war film. It has a high level cast such as: Tom Sizemore, Ted Dason, Vin Diesel, Max Martini, to name a few, well coordinated in their performance.

After the landing of the Allies in Normandy, eight soldiers were assigned with the sole mission of rescuing Private James Ryan from the war, led by Captain John Miller, masterfully played by Tom Hanks; they must risk their lives to keep him alive, because all his brothers had died in the war.

In an act of consideration and ethical principles, for a mother who had lost her sons in action. One of the most shocking scenes for me, was when they killed the youngest and most inexperienced soldier of the group, where the captain let free the one who killed him, because he was a prisoner of war, because they could not take him for the type of mission that occupied them and then walked away from the group in a moment of deep feeling for the soldier, his principles found that led him to cry painfully.

At the end of the film we see the aging Private Ryan with his family visiting the cemetery dedicated to all fallen soldiers, paying tribute to Captain John Miller, remembering his last words, in an emotional moment that undoubtedly manifests the depth of the conflicts that remain after a war, in his case the challenge to live in such a way that was worthy of the one who along with the assigned group gave his life to preserve his own in the war.




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If you wish to participate in this contest you can get more information by clicking here


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Greetings friend @marimeche2012, I also saw this movie many years ago in the cinema, and I remember crying a lot, I was very moved by the plot of the movie, everything looked very real, I remember the youngest, inexperienced man who died and Captain Miller and the end where I end with a tribute to all those who died for saving a single soldier. Very good movie, that's what wars must have been like in the past! Happy and blessed night!