If there is any thought that a questions should be asked then it should.
Why not ask for clarification?
Why exist and not wonder and ask why?
Is it better to be unaware and never know, if your mind tells you, you should know?
Some times it is....
But other times there is more to it then it many seem.
Just like what you might be seeing right in front of your eyes.
Fear is a feeling, it can be questioned.
Intimidation is a force, it can be questioned as to why.
Distraction is an action; you can wonder why you are not looking elsewhere.
Divide is a state, not just what the government propaganda media is doing, but what you might be feeling.
Then it may be time to question why.
Wonder and ask the question why...
Stupidity is a state of mind. Not questioning leads to not knowing, which may make you stupid?
But when you open your mind eyes you might just find that....
And you might find that you are not alone in the questions you want answered.
For if you keep on with what you are told to do you might just see the day when...
And you will likely find that you have to continue down the path where
Is the far end of what is coming but it takes small steps, just like eating an elephant, it can be done....just one bite at a time.
It just take ...
T build the cage around your own mind...It takes time to construct the prison of never asking why.
Quite honestly you might just have to go and check if you are dead for not questioning, asking, and demanding knowledge....perhaps at the grave stones to see if you are already in the ground..
For if you do not ask any questions you could believe anything they say...
Not questioning any narrative may lead you to believe...and belief is not fact no matter how much dogma you want to suck up into my mind, like crack. It may feel good at first, but after time the dogma hurts…
And hurt it will....Fire is Hot, Stone is Hard!
Sometimes you need to just stand your ground and look like
For when you know truth you can stand said ground.
After questioning you might just feel ousted by society, do not worry there are many who...
Care to share a cup of tea?
For when you ....
The truth sets you free, to park in this case.
So you do not end up like the woman in this case.
Thanks for stopping by...here is the bonus Meme for making it to the end, a tidbit of information that might lead you to the path of questions.
Not my work, not your work, not my words, not your words, not my images, not my mind, just bits of all that has come my way - conglomerated and put in the short essay type of why, the things they kicked me out of school for, is what they now see this as something not for fools.