Hi guys! I am Back!
Today I am going to talk about my Captain in Terminator armor. I got it from @merenludick and @aimeludick's nana who sent us some presents from England!
First I want to talk about the cool weapons the Captain can have:
But all the Combi-weapons are now the same in the game.
Close Combat:
Relic Sword
Relic Fist
These weapons are strong in battle.
Here are his movement and other things:
M - 5"
T - 5
Sv - 2+ and 4+ Invulnerable
W - 6
Ld - 6+
OC - 1
The stuff is pretty cool but now I need to tell you a short story about the Space Marine Captain from the Codex.
Space Marine Captains are expected to fight from the front, and few kinds of armour enable them to do so as effectively as Terminator plate. Formidably resilient, such a suit protects the Captain against all but the most devastating enemy fire and enables them to deploy by teleport strike right into the heart of the foe.
The end.
I hope you enjoyed it! Bye!
See you guys! 😀👍