Your Environment Influences Your Result

in #hive-1735758 months ago

There are times when being different from everyone else means having to push yourself away in order to stand out. If you want to make a difference then be ready to be different.

It is very difficult to live the life you desire if your environment doesn't favour it. Your goals, talent, skill, and competence level are at the mercy of your environment.



No one is superior to their environment.

Having people around you who are not like-minded can be one of the most frustrating things you'll experience. One of the results of this is that you rob yourself of the needed motivation to keep pushing forward.

You need the motivation to succeed in every area of life. The challenge is, not everyone can supply it the way you need it. That's why choosing your circle is crucial.

No matter your area of expertise, you'll need the motivation to keep moving forward. Usually, it may come as a level of result that satisfies you.

For someone running a business, more sales is a motivation. For a teacher, your students' success is motivation. For a preacher, more 'souls won into the kingdom' is a motivation. For an employee, promotion is motivation. For a digital marketer, more engagement is motivation.



Now here is the point where you need to pay attention.

You may not always get the results you want no matter how much you're trying. Sometimes it's not your fault, it's just the process. And it's at this point that you need this:

I knew I could be better but it seemed as though I had a lid over my creativity. So I decided to search out for people I could learn from. Most of the people around me had different ideas about life. So I had to seek out like-minded individuals who shared similar interests. Since I couldn't find anyone nearby, I followed people online who share similar interests. My level of competence and confidence increased as soon as I started connecting with the right people.

I was still in the university then and had many responsibilities. The distance was my limitation but the internet helped me.

It's all about your environment. Some will call it your mindset (they are right too).

But this is what I'm trying to say; if what you desire is not where you are now, you need to make a move. You need to adjust your atmosphere right away.

This must first happen mentally before any other form of change would be necessary.

A poor man in Ghana could remain a poor man in the USA too. It's not first about changing things physically. Change must first be internal.

It's not just about starting an offline or online business, it's first about acquiring strategic knowledge on what makes business flourish.

You gerrit?