Photography of making a living by setting up roadside shops 16/08/2023 in Bangladesh// Fotografía de ganarse la vida instalando tiendas al borde de la carretera 16/08/2023 en Bangladesh

in #hive-147010last year

Everyone.I am @mdakash62
From #Bangladesh

Hello, I hope you all are well by the grace of Allah, living a healthy and beautiful life, by the prayers of all of you I am also well by the grace of Allah Alhamdulillah,I always thank the community admin and all the moderators a lot I am posting my first post I am very happy and excited to promote my post today in @liketu community. I am inviting my three friends.I wish you all a happy life always. Herewith presenting some photography.
Hello my dear friends, you are seeing in the picture different types of garlands, bangles, earrings, baselights and some beautiful home decor items that will make you feel happy in any home. There are different types of plastic necklaces that are suitable for use by girls. Then there is the sea white front garland that many people like to read on various occasions. Then you see the toy house that is decorated for beauty in many rooms. Then hand bracelets made of combination of wood and plastic products. A matching head band with a white face. Then there are some duck birds made of sea urchins for the beauty of the house. I think a man has to fulfill his marital family needs. He earns a living by working hard all day to bring smiles to the faces of the family.
Hola mis queridos amigos, están viendo en la imagen diferentes tipos de guirnaldas, brazaletes, aretes, luces de base y algunos artículos hermosos para la decoración del hogar que los harán sentir felices en cualquier hogar. Hay diferentes tipos de collares de plástico que son adecuados para las niñas. Luego está la guirnalda delantera blanca del mar que a muchas personas les gusta leer en varias ocasiones.Luego ves la casa de juguetes que está decorada con belleza en muchas habitaciones. Luego pulseras de mano hechas de combinación de productos de madera y plástico. Una banda para la cabeza a juego con una cara blanca. Luego están unos pájaros pato hechos de erizos de mar para la belleza de la casa. Creo que un hombre tiene que satisfacer sus necesidades familiares maritales. Se gana la vida trabajando duro todo el día para traer sonrisas a los rostros de la familia.


Let's talk about a flower seller but they don't have their own garden. They earn a living for themselves and their families by buying flowers and selling them on the roadside. Even through such scarcity, he engaged himself in honest earning. I like photography very much. Let's say about the picture, you are looking at Rajni Gandha flower. As far as I know, the fragrance of this flower is really incomparable.Which we can understand only by nose. It is difficult to find people who do not like rose flower. I know that rose flower is the symbol of love of all people around the world. Yes they buy and sell these flowers, earning their living from it
Hablemos de un vendedor de flores pero no tienen su propio jardín. Se ganan la vida para ellos y sus familias comprando flores y vendiéndolas al borde de la carretera. Incluso a través de tal escasez, se dedicó a ganar honestamente. Me gusta mucho la fotografía. Digamos sobre la imagen, estás mirando la flor de Rajni Gandha. Que yo sepa, la fragancia de esta flor es realmente incomparable. Que podemos entender sólo por la nariz. Es difícil encontrar personas a las que no les guste la flor de rosa. Sé que la flor rosa es el símbolo del amor de todas las personas del mundo. Sí, compran y venden estas flores, ganándose la vida con ello.


A mother who is a helpless woman in this world. He understands the pain of 10 children and brings them up on his back. But we cannot take care of one mother with 10 children. This is our failure. In the film we see a mother earning a living by selling bangles on the street for herself, or her family.Let's talk about the picture. In the picture you see an elderly woman selling bangles, although the bangles are made from close-ups. You see red, blue, yellow, purple, white, and colorful glass in it. Which young children or adults all like to read by hand. I hope you like my blog very much.
Una madre que es una mujer indefensa en este mundo. Entiende el dolor de 10 niños y los cría sobre su espalda. Pero no podemos cuidar de una madre con 10 hijos. Este es nuestro fracaso. En la película vemos a una madre ganándose la vida vendiendo brazaletes en la calle para ella o su familia. Hablemos de la imagen. En la imagen se ve a una anciana vendiendo brazaletes, aunque los brazaletes están hechos a partir de primeros planos. En él se ven cristales rojos, azules, amarillos, morados, blancos y de colores. Que a los niños pequeños o adultos les gusta leer a mano. Espero que les guste mucho mi blog.


You are looking at sugarcane juice shop. I always love sugarcane juice when I go to Gulistan every week.Because this juice is effective in cold and cough problems and keeps the kidneys healthy. You see the diesel driven injeel through cellomachine, with the help of which the sugarcane is crushed and the sugarcane juice is extracted. 20 Bangladeshi Taka per glass followed by Hive comes to 0.57 Hive per glass. You see in the picture a man who earns his living by grinding sugarcane on one side and selling sugarcane juice on the other side. Image captured on my own mobile camera. I always love sugarcane juice.
Estás mirando una tienda de jugo de caña de azúcar. Siempre me encanta el jugo de caña de azúcar cuando voy a Gulistan todas las semanas. Porque este jugo es efectivo en problemas de resfriado y tos y mantiene los riñones sanos. Ves la inyección de diesel a través de la máquina de celofán, con la ayuda de la cual se tritura la caña de azúcar y se extrae el jugo de caña de azúcar.20 Taka de Bangladesh por vaso seguido de Hive llega a 0,57 Hive por vaso. Usted ve en la imagen a un hombre que se gana la vida moliendo caña de azúcar por un lado y vendiendo jugo de caña de azúcar por el otro lado. Imagen capturada en mi propia cámara móvil. Siempre me ha gustado el jugo de caña de azúcar.


Thank you for reading my article blog .Stay safe, stay happy

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I have fulfilled all the requirements please verify me" liketu Community"account @hive-147010

I am Md Moksedur Rahman akash @hive-174578 and my age is 31.I am Bangladeshi applying as a member of "liketu" Community

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I am inviting three of my friends on my behalf. @angelik @valeriavalentina & @mariannysleon Thank you all for reading my post, I will be very happy, I look forward to your comment. Congratulations.
All Prepared by @mdakash62

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hello sir
I respect every one of your writings. Actually I was not aware about this matter so I would be interested in following your guidance. And I always seek your cooperation as a new entrepreneur.


How can i be in pls go i am eternally grateful to you. i wish you all the best for your wonderful information. congrats.

Goto and login with your hive account, and make your post with that front-end.

Hello sir I am able to login probably can I post on that front.