As a general rule at my home, my coffee cups serve only my coffee and no one has the chance to use them even once. 😁
I love my espresso coffee cup and have a special feeling towards it. It is a very precious present from a Japanese friend and I have it for more than 10 years now.
I think it has the best size for a 40 ml espresso shot. If anyone ever breaks it, it will be the saddest day in a very longn period of time. 😁
About 5 years ago my wife made me a present and bought me a set of DeLonghi espresso glass cups. I loved them, because they were quite perfect. One day my wife accidentally broke one of them and I continued using the other one, but one day… a guest came home, I decided to serve coffee in it and that was the last time someone used it… Broken… just as broken as I was in that day. 😁
From that day, I am the only person using my espresso coffee cup.