I don't know what i'd do without this photos

in #hive-1688693 years ago

Hello beautiful people, this one will be my second entry in this amazing community with this PROMPT SUGGESTION that as soon as I saw, I knew exactly which three photos I wanted to show you all. To be honest, all of the prompts gave me a light of inspiration, but this one hits me harder for some reason...

The first photo I'm thankful to have is one where you see my late grandmother holding my first baby girl. This was one of the last pictures of my grandma I took, seeing her holding my girl will always be very close to my heart. My grandma wasn't a very affectionate person, so having a saved shot of that loving face is priceless. When a person we love passes out, the only thing we have left is the memories of them and that's much more important than anything material. I remember my girl was two or three days old when I snapped this one, grandma was a bit afraid to hold her cause she was so tiny but she did it anyway, and luckily I had my phone at hand. It will be one of my favorite photos ever even though is not the best shot!


The next one is the very first picture of both my girls together. This picture will mark the start of what I hope to be the most beautiful relationship between sisters. I repeat constantly to my girls that they are in this world together to keep each other company, support, and love each other. I have a big brother who I look up to, as adults, we understood that we could've had a better relationship growing up, but no matter what, we are still there for each other and I will work hard to teach my girls the importance of their sister. My husband took this one, cause I was just too mesmerized watching them together to do anything, I honestly couldn't take my eyes off the scene, and thanks to him a have it on paper to hold forever


And last but not least, a photo of the one that was my best friend and crush through my first years of college, I met him at statistics class and we immediately adopted each other and became inseparable. It wasn't like all regular friendships that start slowly and develop through time. It was like love at first sight, but the love part came after and only from me. He never knew I fell for him, as I never had the guts to tell him. I'm pretty sure that it tainted the relationship, but I stood there and kept being just friends but it pained me a lot to see him suffer from other girls that did him no good... Time passed and we grew apart, I graduated stayed in college and he retired so we lost contact. This was the last photo we took together. I miss him still, it's been twelve years now since we took that last picture together.

I enjoyed a lot sharing these with you! I really liked this prompt thanks @galenkp



Lovely choice of photos, that second one is very sweet.

Thank you for supporting the #weekend-engagement posting topics concept WE91


original im src

Thank you so much for the cool ideas!!