I am sure every one of us has been in a situation where there is a battle happening right within us. In a situation where we have to struggle to make a choice. Where we have to choose between evil and good.
To worsen this decision-making process, the evil path seems more tempting, and fun than the good. I mean, it is easier to fall out of the perfect path than to maintain the path.
Every day is a struggle, a battle comes up between doing what is good, just and right rather than what is evil. It is never an easy battle.
It might not necessarily mean deep situations like avoiding theft or committing murder or framing someone, but little situations like not correcting the wrong, seeing a little child crying and ignoring, seeing an old human trying to cross the road and not helping, being in a situation to show light, yet letting darkness rule.
The inner battle goes beyond the struggles of right and wrong. It goes further to expressing kindness irrespective of the situation. It envelopes love and yet shows boundaries. It encompasses peace, yet peace cannot be deeply known without an atom of war.
The inner battle for some could be trying every day to decide to live, to love, to be, to laugh, to simply exist. To fight one's demons and win. To let the soul and heart be in unity without messing with the body.
The inner battle for some could be finding hope amongst shattered glasses, even when walking barefoot on them. It could be healing amidst so many cuts, even with salts on the wounds. It could be tears even under the rain, forced smiles when all you want to do is yell.
Sometimes, you might not even know what the inner battle is, you're just stuck.
Whatever the inner battle might be, all you've got to do is have a little strength to fight, a little hope to survive. It's to see a little light at the end of the tunnel, and one by one, win the inner battle.
Yes, we must win. Because for every win, there's hope for humanity. And for humanity, life goes on…
Thanks for reading😚