I have reported something to Hivewatcher - Ich habe was gemeldet an Hivewatcher

in #hive-1215664 months ago

EN (DE unten)

Hello dear community,

I accidentally saw an unintentional double post from Blocktraders.
The last two posts are identical and shortly after posting, the title was also expanded to "(accidental repost, don't vote)".

It is clear to everyone that this should not be an abuse, but an oversight, but nevertheless this should be considered like any other double post by @hivewatcher and get a downvote accordingly. Or what do you think?

For me this was just a welcome opportunity to test hivewatchers.com and I have a few complaints and suggestions for improvement.

reported by username:
You have to enter a username, so theoretically you can't report anonymously.
But you can probably just choose any username, because this is not checked by signing.

So if a username has to be specified or if one is specified, then this should be verified by a signature.

But in my opinion it should be optional.


Neither Ecenccy.com nor Peakd.com are accepted, what works is hive.blog. Haven't tested it, but I suspect inleo.io wouldn't work either.


Hallo liebe Community,

ich habe zufällig einen ungewollten Doppelpost von Blocktraders gesehen.
Die letzten beiden Posts sind identisch und kurz nach dem Posten wurde auch der Titel erweitert um "(accidental repost, don't vote)".

Dass dies an sich kein Missbrauch sein sollte, sondern ein Versehen ist wohl jedem klar, aber dennoch sollte dies doch wie jeder andere Doppelpost von @hivewatcher betrachtet werden und entsprechend ein Downvote bekommen. Oder was meint ihr?

Für mich war das einfach eine willkommene Gelegenheit, um hivewatchers.com zu testen und habe hier ein wenig was zu beanstanden und verbesserungsvorschläge.

gemeldet von Username:
Ein Username ist anzugeben, also anonym kann man theoretisch nicht melden.
Man könnt aber wohl einfach irgendeinen Usernamen wählen, denn dies wird nicht durch Signieren geprüft.

Also wenn schon ein Username anzugeben ist bzw. wenn einer angegeben wird, dann sollte das durch eine Signatur verifiziert werden.

Aber meiner Meinung nach sollte es optional sein.


Weder Ecenccy.com noch Peakd.com werden angenommen, was funktioniert ist hive.blog. Habe es nicht getestet, aber ich vermute, dass auch inleo.io nicht funktionieren würde.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha



We received a report for that post but it was rejected.
The second post clearly explained that it was an error.
Often there are double posts due to network error and we reject these reports.

No Peaked and Ecency and other frontend URLs are allowed because of how our database/backend was built.
We had explained it to cwow2 a while ago.

Why is there a difference to normal copy/paste? I don't understand, because for the reward pool it doesn't matter what the reason for the post was. So whether it was abusive or accidental.

Then all double posts should be treated the same, regardless of the reason. Moreover, there is more than 1 hour between the posts, so hardly a network error!

Why isn't this changed? That's a small thing to change so that you can specify any frontend and otherwise why not a note that it has to start with https://hive.blog?

And why isn't this being downvoted?

wow, if those "burn comments" go all to his own rewards (no beneficiary), then this is clearly reward rape!

Author reward goes to null (beneficiary is null), but it still is reward rape.

What happens here is not what the Intention of hive is.

there is more than 1 hour between the posts, so hardly a network error!

It has happened to me sometimes (count that 3 or less in all), that I've edited a typo or something trivial in a post, and see a double post has been created. I think this may be front-end related.

It can happen ofcourse, but should be treated the same or none should be downvoted.

I think you gain enough HBD/month to be able to fix this, or at least make people aware to use links to hive.blog

For another $290 a day, it might happen! Lol

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Hey @enforcer48, here is a little bit of BEER from @isnochys for you. Enjoy it!

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Anonymously could lead people to massive report spam and it could easily overwhelm HW or their way to review submits. Right now, HW can block people from reporting.

Not sure why its not checked though, good point!

Not allowing Ecency or Peakd links is also a weird one for me, I dont understand the logic behind that :D

I am not sure its HW's area to Downvotes Blocktrades second post since HW mainly deal with serial post Abusers and not a random mistake from someone like Blocktrades, but lets see :D

Currently "anonymously" is possible, because I could use hivewatcher as reported by.

I don't think it is " ecency and peakd are not allowed", I think its to old and it first checks is there hive.blog in URL.

But it shouldn't check any Domain, it should chek, is the Part after Domain a valid Post or Comment URL.

Yes, I said it is not an abuse.
But if someone reports a doublepost it should be downvoted like every other copy/paste post.

Because in the end it comes down to the same thing.

I don't know how to code behind works, I know we cant use Ecency or Peakd links xD

Feel free to downvote it, not sure HW is going to do it though xD