Banks Found Accountable For People Scammed in Crypto

in #hive-1679228 months ago

Banks Found Accountable For People Scammed in Crypto

Crypto Currency is well known for it’s risky investments, high volatility and scams which consist of a broad range of different methods in order to scam people out of funds.

One of the more elaborate scams is where people go to extreme lengths to create and develop online investment platforms that mimic legitimate businesses and when users submit funds provide users with full access and functionality. Except it is all fake. It’s designed to scam people into adding more funds by providing a false sense of success.

These scams are becoming increasingly sophisticated, tales of individuals losing their hard earned money to fraudulent schemes have sadly become all too common.

However, amidst the bleak landscape of financial deceit there occasionally emerges a story of resilience, justice and triumph against the odds. Such is the case of a County Down man, whose perseverance and the assistance of Trading Standards led to the recovery of almost all his lost funds after falling victim to a crypto currency scam.

Victim Fights Back

The victim, whom is being referred to as Mark to protect his privacy found himself ensnared in the web of a fraudulent company promising lucrative returns on investments. What began as a modest 200 Pound investment soon snowballed into a six figure sum as Mark's initial leap into the world of crypto seemed to yield promising results.

However, as the old adage goes, if something seems too good to be true, it usually is. Mark's world came crashing down when the fraudulent company in a cruel twist of fate advised him to invest his entire pension pot leading to the realization that he had been duped.

"It was all gone," Mark recalls his voice heavy with the weight of despair. The magnitude of his loss was not just financial it was the betrayal of trust, the shattered dreams of financial security for his family and the crushing blow to his sense of responsibility as a provider. "I had reneged on my duty to look after everyone," he lamented haunted by the grim prospect of leaving his loved ones with nothing

But Mark's story did not end in defeat. Fuelled by determination and aided by Trading Standards he embarked on a two year battle to reclaim what was rightfully his. Despite facing numerous setbacks and rejections Mark persisted armed with meticulous documentation and unwavering resolve. The support and guidance provided by Trading Standards proved to be invaluable serving as a beacon of hope in his darkest hour.

Banks Found Accountable

The pivotal moment came when Mark learned of the duty of care that banks owe to their customers. With this revelation a glimmer of hope emerged amidst the despair. Damien Doherty, chief inspector of Trading Standards in Northern Ireland described Mark's case as one of profound despair and highlighted the importance of holding banks accountable for safeguarding their customers against financial crimes and scams.

Indeed, Mark's victory serves as a precedent setting triumph, not just for him but for countless others who have fallen prey to similar scams. It sends a powerful message to financial institutions that they cannot shirk their responsibility to protect their customers from fraud and deception. The code of practice that banks adhere to must be more than just lip service it must be upheld with unwavering diligence and vigilance.

However, while Mark's story offers a glimmer of hope it also showcases the pervasive nature of online scams and the urgent need for greater awareness and vigilance. The anonymity and ubiquity of the internet provide fertile ground for fraudsters to prey on unsuspecting victims, leaving a trail of devastation in their wake. As Mark aptly puts it, the true victory would be to see the perpetrators brought to justice and held accountable for their actions.

Sector Wide Reform

In the wake of Mark's triumph there is a palpable sense of optimism that others may also find recourse and restitution for their losses. It is a reminder that even in the face of adversity, resilience and tenacity can pave the way for justice to prevail. Mark's journey serves as a testament to the power of perseverance, the importance of seeking assistance, and the enduring hope that justice will ultimately prevail.

If you’re involved in Crypto new or old let this example provide you with the lessons of what can happen and let Mark's story remain as a vigilant sign against the siren call of easy riches.

This also sets a standard now for banks into the future and will no doubt open up the floor to more action from people who have been scammed.

Image sources provided supplemented by Canva Pro Subscription. This is not financial advice and readers are advised to undertake their own research or seek professional financial services.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Not sure if I can process all of this but seams promising. Rebloged.

TL:DR- Man got scammed and regulators found that Bank was liable for not protecting him so were found liable and had to repay him.

Who protects from banks and their lack of reserves. I hear BRICS have a new credit bureau.

Would depend on country, laws, system used to move funds, if through a bank by a bank then yes they should be accountable.
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