My family was here for Thanksgiving dinner and stayed for much of the weekend. We had a marvelous time together cooking, eating, watching football, playing video games and watching F1
Many in my family do not do social media, so I've avoided posting people pictures, but instead am sharing some food pictures. There were only 6 of us for dinner, with others stopping by later in the evening and the next day.
Carving the turkey
We had both turkey and ham. My son in-law cooked the meat and he is not a big fan of turkey, so he made both.
scalloped corn and green bean casserole with fried onions on top. I don't have a photo of the mashed potatoes.
Cranberry/orange bread
Ajapsandali is a traditional Georgian and Armenian dish with onion, eggplant, tomato and bell pepper, seasoned with garlic, basil, coriander leaves, and parsley
And my daughters delicious pumpkin pie! Everyone's favorite!
American Football is something of a Thanksgiving tradition. It was after the kitchen had been cleaned and we were all sitting around chatting and watching the game that I mentioned to my daughter-in-law that I never got to try the stuffing that she made. I was assuming that it never got passed to my end of the table, but everyone exclaimed, 'ME EITHER!'
My son jumped up and went to the kitchen and sure enough, there was the stuffing, left untouched and forgotten on the stove.
It was really good stuffing and went great with left over turkey the next day!
Before they all left to go home they put up my Christmas tree and decorated my house for Christmas! Now I need to begin thinking about ordering holiday gifts.