Звідки беруться такі люди? / Where do such people come from? (Ua-En)

in #hive-1654692 years ago

Сьогодні просто коротеньке ревю розпачу на тему - "де такі свині взялись в нашому місті"? От як так можна? Інколи ми ходимо гуляти в сусідній двір до жіночки, яка займається трояндами. Вона їх просто обожнює. Сама двір обсадила за свій кошт і своїми силами доглядає за такою красою. Просто заради того, щоб ця клумба радувала око перехожих та сусідів, адже двір загальний для великої кількості людей. Вона часто зрізала якусь троянду і дарувала дітям. З радістю давала поради щодо догляду за цими квітами. Клопітка ця робота, я вам скажу.

Today, just a short revue of despair on the topic - "where did such pigs come from in our city"? How is that possible? Sometimes we go for a walk in the neighboring yard to a woman who works with roses. She just adores them. She planted the yard herself at her own expense and takes care of such beauty with her own efforts. Just so that this flower bed pleases the eyes of passers-by and neighbors, because the yard is shared by a large number of people. She often cut a rose and gave it to the children. She is happy to give advice to anyone interested in caring for these flowers. This job is a chore, I'll tell you.

І от вчора, у недільний вихідний ми пішли прогулятись до того дворику і полюбуватись красою. Але побачена нами картина зіпсувала навіть той крихкий настрій, який хоч якось намагаємось тримати піж час війни. Здалеку ми помітили жіночку біля клумби і вирішили підійти привітатись. Але підійшовши до неї побачили жахливу картину - поламані, потоптані троянди на тротуарі біля клумби, а в очах жіночки сльози і розпач. І питання "Чому"? "Для чого"? "Хто таке міг зробити"?

And so yesterday, on a Sunday off, we went for a walk to that yard and admired its beauty. But the picture we saw spoiled even the fragile mood that we somehow try to keep during the war. From a distance, we noticed a woman by the flower bed and decided to come and say hello. But when they approached her, they saw a terrible picture - broken, trampled roses on the sidewalk near the flowerbed, and tears and despair in the eyes of the woman. And the question "Why"? "For what"? "Who could do that?"


Lol. You're blaming the Russians for the roses trampled by Ukrainians. You ask rhetorically where such pigs come from, but you don't consider the fact your government has been bombing the children of Donbass for 8 years, those aren't acts of terrorism, that's securing the territorial integrity of Ukraine. Your soldiers fight for territory, not for people.


Your country's racism is evidence of who the pigs are.


Are you an idiot or paranoid. Where is the accusation of the Russians in my post?

You started with "pigs", literally in your very first sentence:

"where did such pigs come from in our city"? How is that possible?

I put emphasis because you're implying that they aren't from your city.

You end your entire post with:

And the question "Why"? "For what"? "Who could do that?"

Only circles back to the beginning, who? The Pigs that came to your city.

So please tell me, how should have I interpreted a "staywithukraine" that refers to people who "came to their city" as pigs? Should have I understood that to mean not Russians?

It is nice that russians and their friends now associate themselves with pigs. But I call those who destroy to satisfy their animal needs as pigs.

I did not write or hint anywhere in the post that the pigs came from another city, and even more so I did not write that they were russians.

You don't have to look for how we insult your "poor", "unfortunate" russians in every one of our posts.

I did not write or hint anywhere in the post that the pigs came from another city,

You clearly did imply that, now you don't even have the courage to admit what you wrote:

Your Title says "Where do such people come from?"

Your very first sentence repeats it:

"where did such pigs come from in our city"?

So to sit there and claim that you didn't even HINT it, just despicable spineless behavior, no integrity!

It is nice that russians and their friends now associate themselves with pigs.

I'm glad you rationalize your racism as Nice and that its self associated by Russians. We wouldn't want to imply that you're not a racist scumbag that can't correct themselves because they have no integrity.

No hints were ever made..

You don't have to look for how we insult your "poor", "unfortunate" russians in every one of our posts.

Why not?

Капець якийсь. Це з серії "Кто вам разрєшил жіть красіва"... Може які камери спостереження є в дворі, щоб знайти "героя"?